10 straight losing series!!

Postby SGTD » Fri May 08, 2009 1:34 pm


Tough park for some of your hitters. I have never had luck with Roberts. What are some of the other parks in your division and league? My first team lost 100 games at Dodger Stadium. I had one team lose 116 games in the ATG format. It is fun and at times frustrating but keep trying and check the strategy forum as well. Good luck. SGT D
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Postby AeroDave10 » Fri May 08, 2009 2:16 pm

You have to get Carlyle to stop throwing so many innings. Take him off of the mop up if you have that selected. You want your most expensive reliever, especially if he's an R2 like Shell, to eat up the innings in the bullpen. I would try to scrap at least one of those relievers (unfortunately, probably Wheeler and/or Carlyle) for a cheap guy and use the money to buy a better starting pitcher. In a pitcher's park, I'd look at Nolasco or Santana. It's always good to have a 4 day ace, so that if/when you make the playoffs they can pitch more frequently.

Before dropping any players, though, make sure to explore any and all trades so that you don't take that cap hit on FA drops.
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Postby askaufman » Fri May 08, 2009 2:23 pm

I agree with everything the previous post says. I have no experience with 80 mil leagues but your hitting looks fine. I have Roberts and Youkilis and they are doing great for me in Minute Maid. Tejada is great on defense but a double-play hitting machine so he is a rally killer. Make sure he is at the bottom of your lineup.

However your starters give up a lot of homers on their cards, especially Baker. You've given up 41 homers in 33 games so you are very vulnerable. Don't know what you have left for free agents but would look for a couple better front line starters.

I don't like pitchers parks because if you pick one you better get top line pitchers because your power hitters can be hurt. I personally don't think your pitching is good enough. Check out the "first timer looking for opinions" topic below yours for the guys team link. He's done an awesome job of fitting his team to his park.
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Postby Misterg78582 » Fri May 08, 2009 3:23 pm

I'd make these changes:

1--more power; your opps. are hitting homeruns and you aren't
2--better starting pitching; you've spent almost as much on your
relief pitching as your starting staff; dump lidge and someone else and
invest in a big time pitcher if you can
3--free up money for power hitters by downgrading Roberts; high-priced slick-fielding slap-hitting infielders never seem to be quite worth it
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Postby joethejet » Sat May 09, 2009 1:36 am

as near as I can piece together your original team it wasn't all that bad actually. Probably rated over 2000.

The pitching and D was pretty darn good, BUT you had almost no offense v RHP. Kendall, Lorettta, Suzuki, Rollins, even Dobbs, not all that great.

You probably were losing a lot of close games and clearly some guys like Youky and Roberts (who I've had good success with) were way under.

The current team rating dropped 250 points and you're 6.5 mil under the cap so, what do you expect? It's very hard to improve in a 20% cap hit league by cutting. If you can trade? Maybe, but cutting almost never does a team improve. You are about the same v RHP, but you're a LOT worse v LHP now. D also got worse without Rollins and playing Derosa at 2b.

Yeah, you didnt have a lot of power, but the killer was you had no OB v RHP, low average AND slugging. Your park should have helped your SPs some.

I'd say you had some bad luck combined with a lousy O v RHP to have such an awful start. This team wasn't that Bad, but it might be now.

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sat May 09, 2009 1:29 pm

Dear Newcomer, first off welcome! Secondly, when I 1st started playing here I had trouble tailoring my teams to ballparks as well. (We never used them in our cards and dice leagues). Thirdly, there is a lot of luck involved, and once you build a team your best bet is too STICK WITH IT! You can make minor moves, trades and changes, but once you start dropping players over and over again you are really watering down your team. A lot of times the only reason a team starts slow ,..or fast, is LUCK! Please do not give up, on this season or the game. I have had teams as much as 10 games below .500 come back and make the playoffs. And also do what you are doing by seeking help from the true experts such as "AeroDave", "Durantjerry", "Joethe jet" and others. But be careful as to who's advice you follow, just take it all in, and remember it for next time! Good luck to you!
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