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Looking for Roster Feedback - Please Help!

Fri May 15, 2009 11:23 pm
by Ducapa
New team, season starts Monday in 2 1/2 team theme league. I am ATL/TB and SD Hitters but have made several trades already. Here is my current roster playing in Tropicana. Any improvements/changes you would make besides adding McCann (who would you dump?) I know Peavy is not a * but he has been so good in other leagues.
Other siginificant players I own the rights to as well the remaining lower priced TB/ATL/SD (hitters) franchise players.
B.McCann C
J.Masterson SP/RP
R.Winn OF
M.Cain SP*
J.Lowrie DH
P.Feliz 3B
A.Reyes SP

Sat May 16, 2009 12:03 am
I would like to see(and help) but I think your link may be bad.
Link is fixed

Sat May 16, 2009 9:55 am
by Ducapa

Sat May 16, 2009 10:49 am
by Ducapa
Yea, working on that. What about SP, who would you keep or add to the rotation? Also, would you cut somebody to free up salary for McCann?

Sat May 16, 2009 10:53 am
by Ducapa
What would be the equivalent 2'e' rating for a 3e8 like I already have at 2b

Sat May 16, 2009 6:27 pm
by Ducapa
Really looking to resolve a few issues with my team.
1) SP Rotation, who to keep, dump
2) Who to dump to pick up McCann or keep Navarro as C.
3) 2B fielding issue, if I got a 2 rating at 2b, how high would the e rating need to be to match what I have now.

Sat May 16, 2009 7:01 pm
by Detroit-Tigers
1) You should list what SPs you have available so that you can get feedback
2) Trade Chipper to 2Legit2Quit to get enough $ for McCann, or trade McCann to 2Legit2Quit (just joking). I would reduce my bullpen, seriously.
3) 3e8=2e24, 3e4 = 2e20, 3e17 =2e33 (and 2Legit2Quit has 2 great 2Bs with low e's that he can trade :) )

Sat May 16, 2009 7:05 pm
by Ducapa
A fellow 2 1/2 League team chimes in.....I did list my SP above, the rest is on my team. I would do a small deal for one of your 2b.

Sat May 16, 2009 7:34 pm
by Detroit-Tigers
Your best SP are:
Lincecum,T *SP
Peavy,J SP
Lester,J* *SP
Shields,J *SP
Masterson,J SP
Reyes*,A SP
The problem is they are mixed SP and *SP. I would try and trade Peavy for a *SP and go with the top 4. If you have the discipline to do matchups you may want to keep Oliver as well, otherwise use a 0.50 million 5th SP.
Step 1) try and trade Peavy for a *SP
Step 2) trade for a 2 def 2B (I would take a similar priced RP), drop Kelly Johnson and keep Callaspo for backup
Step 3) drop navarro and pick up McCann