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Anyone ever try this?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:00 pm
by 1crazycanuk
Since even closers get tired and aren't used every game I thought I'd get Percival to go along with Rivera, as sort of a backup closer. Either he can close the odd game or I can put him mop up or something. Anyone ever tried this strategy?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:08 pm
by tersignf
Some have I think, but you're paying a premium for that C status.

I realize it's bad for a non-closer to be in a closing situation (rule 20-something) but I would rather have an R2/Cx for your strategy, with the R2/Cx used as set up and closer left blank, or if good enough, penciled in to set up AND close.

For example: Lidge set up and close and percival or Hawkins (or R1/Cx dujour) as not to come in before the 8th or something.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:42 pm
by 1crazycanuk
Yeah I understand what you're saying. I just figured since Percival ain't real expensive and he's good to have. I thought with him, Gordon and Rivera I'd be pretty much safe. Also have Walker and some other dude to round them out.