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Have I finally got it?

Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:52 pm
by kimkrichbaum2
When I last played a lot of Strat in 2007, I was very good at hitter's park teams, and hit or miss with Pitcher's park teams. My one current pitcher's park teams is dominating. First time I have had a pitcher's park team do that. Take a look at my team and tell me
Do you think I finally found the formula for pitcher's parks, or this team just running on luck?

Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:54 pm
by Rant
Should continue to do well. Good defense, good bats for a big park.
Agree that your SP will come back to earth a bit, and that will exploit your relief corps. I like Wood. Grabow's OB opens him up to getting swatted around at times. Percival, well, I'll be interested to see if how he does. All of those HRs and BP HRs usually spell disaster, but if you're lucky with your rolls, his numbers are excellent everywhere else.
I can live with Salty's bat vs. righties for a big park, but his d is pretty bad. Not just the +2 but the 20 on throwing invites steals. I'd also much prefer to have Nyjer Morgan batting second. Salty 1. walks a lot and 2. clogs up the bases with his 10 speed.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:19 pm
by apolivka
Why has Bartolo Colon pitched in any games? Hopefully it was only in 15 inning marathons. :)
I think the team should continue to do well, but I doubt it will finish at a .611 clip. The only suggestion I would make is to see if you can replace Pierce with a cheapy and upgrade one of your relievers. 2.06 Million for 80 PAs is a pretty high price to pay for someone not at all suited for your park.
Try to make sure Purcival doesn't pitch on the road! Depending on the park, that could spell disaster. You really could use one more decent reliever since you start a S5 40% of the time and a S6 otherwise.
You are successful stealing 82% of the time. That's pretty amazing. Either you are super lucky there too, or you could try to be a bit more aggressive.

Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:43 pm
by durantjerry
A guy in one of my leagues had a similar staff(2 or 3 the same for SP's) in Petco with a weaker lineup and won 92 or 93. I was researching for my Tour draft and was surprised at how well they did.

Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:46 am
by kimkrichbaum2
Thanks for the feedback and the tips. One I definitely will take is to change my pitching instructions with Percival when we go on the road, I checked out his home/road splits and they are extreme.
Also. do you really think I shouldn't have Colon in the rotation :shock: (said tongue in cheek, no way I would EVER start Colon unless forced)
the real reason he pitched is Peavy got injured for 10 games. I originally got Colon to sub for Westbrook if someone had an extreme righty line up. But no one in my league does.

Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:30 am
Your good defense and your pitcher's park will continue to help your pitchers' E.R.A.s. I do not see any reason why you will not continue to succeed. And yes get Colon out of the starting rotation,.....unless there is an injury. Good luck!