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When did they change (screw up) the winning credit policy?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:26 pm
by uncle ny
So I go to redeem a credit to start an event 2 team and find that credits can only be redeemed for games I don't play anymore. What's the deal w/ that? Kind of sucks, I think.

I feel better.

I suspect this has been beaten around quite a bit already. I'm often late to the party.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:32 pm
by voovits
Something does not sound right. You should at least be able to redeem a credit for the game you won the credit in.

You should e-mail with your problem.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:35 pm
by LMBombers
Sounds to me like he won a credit in an old game that is now half price.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:16 am
by uncle ny
I just realized that the 2008 season is available (my bad). For reasons unknown it's listed after ATG and I didn't see it.

Sorry Bernie, Hal, anyone else I may have offended.

- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online: 2006 season
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online: 2005 season
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online: 2004 season
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online: 2003 Season
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online: 2002 Season
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online: 2001 Season
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online: ATG, 2008, 2007, 1986
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online: Back to the 80's
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball: The '70s Game
- Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online 1969
- Strat-O-Matic FantaSim Baseball

Not ready to claim? Return to your Front Office.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:32 am
by AeroDave10
Maybe you should return to your Front Office ... :lol: