Pros Vs. Joes Handicap League - FULL - Thanks

[u:810cbbd063]Pros Vs. Joes Handicap League[/u:810cbbd063]
[b:810cbbd063]GENERAL RULES/THEME [/b:810cbbd063]
[i:810cbbd063]$80mil '08 league
10% cap penalty throughout
Regular Autodraft
Duplicate Parks Allowed [/i:810cbbd063]
*** League will be made up of 6 Pros and 6 Joes. Pros/Joes will be determined by Manager Rating Points at time of Sign-Up. Top 6 are Pros/Bottom 6 are Joes. Note that this is a new rule than in past Pro Vs Joe Leagues.
*** Divisions will be determined by a seeding process of Manager Rating Points. Everyone needs to include their Manager Rating Points at time of sign-up. See below for explanation/example.
*** List Park when signing up. Duplicate parks are acceptable.
[u:810cbbd063]PROS RULES:[/u:810cbbd063]
1. #1 Draft Choice Must be under $4mil (hitter or pitcher)
2. Must play a '4' range OF at all times. It can be one OF playing both ways or a platoon in which each OF is a '4' range. Note: in case of injury the '4' range requirement is waived for the substitute player.
3. Pros must draft a team no more than $79mil. After waivers all Pro teams may go to the regular $80mil cap.
4. Must keep Stadium listed at sign-up
[u:810cbbd063]JOES RULES: [/u:810cbbd063]
1. #2 Draft Choice Must be under $4mil (hitter or pitcher)
2. No range requirements in OF
3. Drafted team can be up to $80mil/no restrictions
4. Have option of switching stadiums during the loading process.
[b:810cbbd063]Divisional Seeding (by rating points)[/b:810cbbd063]
Highest number of rating Points will be the #1 seed down to lowest Manager points as #12 seed. See seeding chart below:
SignUps Below
[b:810cbbd063]GENERAL RULES/THEME [/b:810cbbd063]
[i:810cbbd063]$80mil '08 league
10% cap penalty throughout
Regular Autodraft
Duplicate Parks Allowed [/i:810cbbd063]
*** League will be made up of 6 Pros and 6 Joes. Pros/Joes will be determined by Manager Rating Points at time of Sign-Up. Top 6 are Pros/Bottom 6 are Joes. Note that this is a new rule than in past Pro Vs Joe Leagues.
*** Divisions will be determined by a seeding process of Manager Rating Points. Everyone needs to include their Manager Rating Points at time of sign-up. See below for explanation/example.
*** List Park when signing up. Duplicate parks are acceptable.
[u:810cbbd063]PROS RULES:[/u:810cbbd063]
1. #1 Draft Choice Must be under $4mil (hitter or pitcher)
2. Must play a '4' range OF at all times. It can be one OF playing both ways or a platoon in which each OF is a '4' range. Note: in case of injury the '4' range requirement is waived for the substitute player.
3. Pros must draft a team no more than $79mil. After waivers all Pro teams may go to the regular $80mil cap.
4. Must keep Stadium listed at sign-up
[u:810cbbd063]JOES RULES: [/u:810cbbd063]
1. #2 Draft Choice Must be under $4mil (hitter or pitcher)
2. No range requirements in OF
3. Drafted team can be up to $80mil/no restrictions
4. Have option of switching stadiums during the loading process.
[b:810cbbd063]Divisional Seeding (by rating points)[/b:810cbbd063]
Highest number of rating Points will be the #1 seed down to lowest Manager points as #12 seed. See seeding chart below:
SignUps Below