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Bugs Today

Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:29 am
by Jeepdriver
Not 100% of the time, but most of the time today it won't let me pull up individual cards to make adjustments.
Also, I was trying to leave a league and RT to draft list and it won't let me do that either.
I've tried a couple of different browsers and both are like that.
And lastly, it's slower than normal today, too.
Anybody else having these kind of problems?

Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:54 am
by bernieh
A couple of people in our main office have noticed some very sparse, intermittent issues too. I'm afraid I don't know what to say - there's nothing that I changed to SOM in particular. I'll check with the tech team.

Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:56 am
by visick might be time to upgrade from that 33.6 modem. :lol:

Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:38 pm
by Jeepdriver
Viz, I just now caught on to 33 1/3 albums. :wink:
I'm still having sparadic problems. Pulling up Ind. cards, slowness, etc.

Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:17 pm
by visick
Sweet Jeep...Now you can upgrade your 8 track in your car to a cassette player.

Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:18 pm
by bkeat23
My 8-Track I had connected to the home system stopped working a few years ago.
It came time to move, and I started packing wife wasn't amused.
I may have been the only person that could record CDs, cassettes, and 8-Tracks on the same system. :oops:
Of course, there's still a turntable. :P