by hechojazz » Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:08 pm
If you mean to ask how to determine the pitching matchups not for the coming night's games, but the next one's, the only way I know of is to click on that team's schedule. You will see who has pitched in the games previous, and most of the time you can accurately extrapolate who is pitching for them that night, and then who they'd likely put on the mound against you the next night. A team following a 4 *SP rotation is usually going to keep it rolling, and many 5-man rotations also never deviate. There's always a chance a spare matchup pitcher may get thrown, particularly if your lineups are heavily slanted one way or another and the team you're facing has an option. But barring that, you just need to make your predictions. But I know of no other way to see who's coming at you on future nights...