2005 aaron heilman, best season by rp? wel for 200x

2005 aaron heilman, best season by rp? wel for 200x

Postby guardman9 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:28 am

Heilman, Aaron
11(w) 6(l) 31(s) 4(bs) 169.2(inn) 118(hts) 38(r) 30(er) 52(bb) 183(k) 1.59(era) 1.00 (whip)

finished 4th in cy young IN FRONT of my 24 game winner!

Buehrle, Mark
24(w) 8(l) 313.0(inn) 298(hts) 128(r) 112(er) 73(bb) 210(k) 3.22(era) 1.19(whip)

although i did see the recent king rivera maddness, cant say he through a complete game shut out, but 170 innings from a rp is kinda funny. Does anyone else value the high priced RP3?

1247 innings thrown by 5 guys, little over 200 by 4 other rps
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