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Strat 2010 Offense vs. 2009 Offense

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:47 am
by artie4121
I can't be the only one who has noticed that batting averages, across the board, in 2010 leagues was significantly lower than those of 2009.

Has anyone done any analysis of the "Global" difference between these seasons?

Here is the link between seasons in the MLB: [url][/url] It isn't significant (.006 obs points), but to me, it SEEMED that hitting this season in Strat was much more anemic than last season.

As an aside, if you look at that URL, one stat that REALLY surprised me was was that the HBP numbers TODAY are much higher than the HBP numbers back in the "rough and tumble" earlier decades of the 20th Century.

Any thoughts?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:34 pm
by Knerrpool
I went back and calculated averages for my 2009 and 2010 teams (I like a project). My batting average in 2010 was actually 6 points higher than 2009 and my ERA was 15 points higher. OPS was close - only 8 points higher in 2010. I scored, and gave up, slightly more runs on average in 2010 than 2009. Now, I did not factor in any ballpark settings, so that could explain it, although I tended to play in neutral or slight pitchers parks in both years. The largest differences I found were less stolen bases in 2010 (down 13%) and more errors (up 13%).

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:22 pm
by Mr Baseball World
League wide stolen bases were virtually identical(both sb snd cs) in the 2 seasons so am surprised by the 13% change there. OPS was down .023 and runs per game also down .23 per team, almost half a run per game between the two teams so would expect a fall off.

Perhaps more teams went with pitching leaving better hitting talent for those teams going with neutral or hitter parks would explain the fall off artie experienced and the elevated numbers you saw.