I can only imagine the hours Bernie has put into this project. His thanks from some? Condemnation and criticism.
Dale Carnegie once said any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain...and most fools do.
I would like to state for the record I appreciate all that Bernie has done for the game and the long hours he has put in. While I wish as much as anyone that things had gone smoother, I know from real world experience what happened is normal for a major IT project.
I know everything had to be rewritten for the new platform, yet some people complain parts aren’t as good as before, or why couldn’t these changes wait until after the move (never mind they were essential—new platform, duh!) Never mind that Bernie has promised to go back and make these things right.
A few people suggested Bernie was not the man for the job. Considering all the different skills needed, I disagree. Considering how much money I suspect he’s getting paid, I super disagree. And considering his dedication and desire to go the extra mile for us, there could not be anyone better for what Bernie does.
So, to Bernie, I give a big, sincere thank you for making this transition possible.