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Small suggestion. Any thoughts?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:18 pm
If not a big deal, I'd like the login page take me to the previous nights play by play first, with each games scores and line at the end...Some may not like it, but I think it would be fun to read the play by play one inning at a time, if you choose to extend the moment of finding out what your team did the previous night... a highlighted prompt at the beginning could skip it for those that want the end results right away, but for me (and maybe only me), it would be fun to read inning to inning and get a better feel for how the games unfolded...comebacks and collapses would be more climactic... :idea:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:58 pm
by Palmtana
Makes sense to me. In real life you don't get the results first and then the play by play. A farsighted poster recently said that he takes his glasses off when looking at the Front Office so as not to see the results and then goes and checks out the play by play as you mentioned. I suppose you could cover up the right side of the headline with a piece of paper so you can't see the score and the boxscore and then click on the left side of the headline to go to the play by play, all the while being careful to avert your eyes from the standings on top.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:34 pm
by tersignf
extreme SOMO