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Penngray, and all the other long time vets.......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:54 pm
by Leo / loob
Was Hal correct in his assumption that the mystery card was the next best thing to butter bread?

I ask this because of reading a statement by Doug, that he is bored by the regular version of TSN-SOM. Bored, that is AFTER the pre season, when, we have little control over the game itself.

See, Doug, and many others, like Hal himself, have been looking at the same cards day after day, year after year.

In the 80's, we have to manage a team more closely. In the regular versions, its like buying and driving a car....

You pick your options that you want, and set the cruise control on your way home.

In the 80's, we can pick our options, take the corners really tight on the way home, and then return the car a week later for what is hopefully bigger and better upgrades.

Was Hal himself bored with his own product, when he brain-stormed the mystery card??