by Mean Dean » Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:10 pm
I'm really surprised that someone who knows card construction as well as Joe does can't see the logic under which A-Rod gets his 2e8. The reason A-Rod is a 2e8 is because, if he played every day at SS, he would be about a 2e8. A-Rod is still in his prime, and won a Gold Glove at SS two years ago. He was moved off SS [i:e4d1626d61]only[/i:e4d1626d61] because of Jeter's history with the Yanks. Alfonzo, OTOH, was moved off 2B because he had trouble physically handling the position. He has a very bad back. At the rate his game is breaking down, I would not be surprised at all if Alfonzo were out of baseball altogether a couple of years from now. The two men are not comparable athletes, fielders or players.
(As [b:e4d1626d61]blueiguana[/b:e4d1626d61] points out, the fact that the Yanks do have Jeter and don't have another 3B allows SOM to give A-Rod his deserved rating. That's not always the case, and if the "draft league" goal of rating by ability conflicted with the "replay" goal of using the players as their real-life team did, SOM would have no choice but to give the rating that better served the replay. Here, there's no conflict and they can have their cake and eat it too.)
David Wright is a 3. Is that NY bias? Everyone in the world expected him to be a 2.
What SOM has is, not NY bias, but simply more information about NY players. In Wright's case, the piece of information that they have that most non-New Yorkers don't is that Wright made some big errors and misplays in the late innings of some close games. Sometimes, having more information means they overrate the player; sometimes (and honestly IMO this happened in Wright's case), it means they underrate the player. Overall, IMO, having more exposure to the player means that they're generally more accurate evaluating him, and I wish they had this much information about every city's players.