If you're interested in ratings

If you're interested in ratings

Postby joethejet » Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:50 am

Hello All,

If you're looking for a way to understand the cards and how to rate them, I just wanted to make you aware that I have been providing services that might help out.

There are also services provided by Luckyman and PennGray I think. This certainly isn't the only way to get an understanding, but I just wanted to make people aware it’s available in case they didn't know.

I’m offering:

- Files containing all the stat calculations for the players along with my Ratings for all eligible players.

- Value Ratings for Teams (including specific comments on strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement) and if requested, entire Leagues.

- Ratings are available for all 200X, 1969, and ATG2.

I am contemplating providing the following if there is interest

- A spreadsheet to generate your own value ratings for your teams. This would also require that you own at least one copy of the JTJ Player Ratings.

Ok, now the bad news, I charge a modest fee for these services. Here's why:

- It takes time to generate the files. The only way I can justify the time to myself (and my family) is to get compensated for the time.

- I don't think it's fair to the guys who put a lot of time into do the calcs to just give it away

- The JoeTheJet ratings system took years for Wineman and I to develop and fine tune. We've been playing SOM for a combined 60+ years and we think it's a dang good way to evaluate the players.

If no one is interested, no problem - my day job keeps me plenty busy. In case you’re curious, some of the guys (e.g. Riggo Drill (cicerocapones), Arryl Tremaine, Woods, etdefender, BigMahon, Bickel, Play By The Rules, stevep107, Semper Gumby, Kaviksdad) who have purchased JTJ ratings have been very appreciative and mostly successful (see the site for their comments) so I wanted to let others know that it's available if they are so inclined.

You should be able to get all the info you need at the web site below. Or, contact me at ( joethejet at iwon. com )

I know some don't like that I do this and I'm sorry if this offends you, my only intent by this post is to let others know that there is a service available if they're interested. If not, fine by me, I can spend more time on my own teams!!! ;)

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Postby Play By The Rules » Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:56 am

Any success I've had as both of my personae, can be attributed to Joe's numbers.

Of course I could do them myself, but I'm far too lazy for that. I find that for the money Joe's numbers are a tremendous value. Ask yourself how much money you can make per hour working and decide if it's worth it to spend that time adding up cards, or if it isn't better to pay Joe a nominal fee to do so.

I'm sure the guy isn't getting rich on this, but he deserves to get paid for his work, that's my take.
Play By The Rules
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:18 pm

Joe's ratings are especially useful for those of us that have more money than time. I am often unable to find enough time to do more than the cursory calculations on my own (and sometimes not even those), and that's when Joe's ratings can be a real help.
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I'm Guilty!

Postby Semper Gumby » Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:40 pm

Unlike some real baseball players, I'll admit to using peformance enhancing stuff.

I've used Joe's clear creame for a few years and done well by them when I can play SOM (i.e., not in Iraq).

And, nothing more fun than beating Joe / Wineman with his own ratings too. :lol:
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Postby 1crazycanuk » Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:55 pm

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Postby bigmahon » Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:02 pm

[quote:5413ceb855]And, nothing more fun than beating Joe / Wineman with his own ratings too. [/quote:5413ceb855]
I also enjoy beating Joe / Wineman [i:5413ceb855]without[/i:5413ceb855] any ratings. :P :wink:
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Postby bigmahon » Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:10 pm

Just kidding Joe. :wink:
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Postby joethejet » Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:30 pm

[quote="bigmahon"][quote:5e9d788a32] I also enjoy beating Joe / Wineman [i:5e9d788a32]without[/i:5e9d788a32] any ratings. :P :wink:[/quote:5e9d788a32]:)

No worries, there are lots of ways to be good at this game. Some simply take more time and effort. A lot of guys like spending the time and effort. I only *wish* I had that time like I used to back in the years BC (before children ;))

Thanks for the kind words guys.

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Postby Semper Gumby » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:12 pm

The one fun thing about playing against Joe and Wineman (his sober friend) - they'll toss a few posts into the forum even when their team isn't winning.

Having met these characters in my first auto draft league in 2002, they helped me unass my team even though it served them no purpose.

Of course, the game is more fun when you have debate going about even after the season starts.
Semper Gumby
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Postby joethejet » Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:27 pm

don't know if anyone is still playing the 2005 season, but if anyone is interested in getting some ratings for the season, I'll "give" them away for $2 to the first 10 (or so) people who ask.

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