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Potentially stupid question about ballparks....

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:02 am
by Pine Tar Misfits 2002
So if a park favors righty hitters in both singles and HR, does that mean you want

1) A RHP that has a high R balance number
2) A RHP that has a high L balance number
3) A LHP that has a high R balance number
4) A LHP that has a high L balance number

The ballpark should take care of lefties. Man, I'm confused

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:22 am
by markp65
Your instinct is correct. The ballpark itself will indeed take care of lefties. Therefore, you'll want a pitching staff with more of a R balance. Stay away from LHP altogether.

#1 is the correct answer. Now go grab Padilla and Peralta and get in the game!

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:46 am
by LMBombers
You will want a few LH or S hitters too just to keep em honest. Otherwise a hard RHP will come in and shut your team down. However don't waste money on LH power hitters. Go for the BA and OBP LH (or S) batters.

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:50 pm
by Pine Tar Misfits 2002
but think of it this way, if you had a LHP with a strong R balance, then he can get out the righties (with the strong R balance) and the lefties (via the toughness of the park and the L vs L matchup for most hitters).

I think a LHP with a strong R balance is the way to go, no?

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:51 pm
by Pine Tar Misfits 2002
on the hitting side, clearly you want want high average lefties.

The question is more for what to do on the pitching/defense side of the equation.

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 10:38 pm
by markp65
PTM - By using LH pitchers in a park that favors RHB, you're doing two dangerous things: You're flipping all switch hitters to the side that most favors the batters in your park. You're also presenting a matchup where many RH hitters gain an advantage (you could make an All-Star team of cheap RH batters who excel against LHP). You're best off using mostly "hard" RHP.

Of course, that's general advice. It would behoove you to take a peek at your divisional foes after the waivers dust clears. If you're in Minute Maid playing three Safeco teams, you might want to employ a more balanced pitching staff with fewer "hard" RHP. Maybe a cheap non- * lefty starter or two for road use only.

But in general I would not use LHP in a park that favors RH hitters.