by RAULSILVA » Fri May 19, 2006 2:33 pm
Dave, yes i am from Venezuela that explain may bad english. Nice city Pto Ordaz, and a lot of realy beautifull woman`s per head there, you shuld back there some time, I live in Caracas wich is about 10 hours by car. Hope the team get better.
mbrake, batista and bedar were recomended, in a post for some guy, bout have few bp hr`s in its cards, any sugestion to replace them??, about roberts, he is batting 328 with 485 slg and 56 sb, in 326 AB. and k. matsui, is the leader batting against lefties in another league i am, so they are not too bad cards i think, Alomar, is just to fill space i think he never will see the sun ligth, the outfielders are just how you said, shef in rigth, hidalgo in left, and c beltran in center. Infield is texeira 1b, boone 2b, jeter ss and A. Ram 3b. So i don`t see any place for more infielders, (am i wrong??) i aldso altenate roberts as dh with rigth p and matsui with lefth pichers, and put batitasta in hitters bll park`s. See any player available that can perfor better?
tyber, any cheap hitter in the ones available in my league that i can substitute?, i don`t have any reference of batista, any better pitcher to change them?
thank`s to all
Raul Silva