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Team not wining

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:37 am
Hi, this is the final team i put togeter, please coments and sugestions about the lkine up,


PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:54 am
by pedakrla
leokar, I'm guessing from the name of your team that you live in Venezuela? I lived there 7 years as a child, 1967-1974 in Puerto Ordaz (Ciudad Guayana).

About your team--it's only been 12 games. I think it will get better, just give it a little more time.

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:29 pm
by mbrake
Dump SP M. Batista, P E. Bedard, & SP C. Silva (they are batting practice pitchers). Dump D. Roberts, K. Matsui & R. Alomar. Upgrade your SP as best you can, add more versatile low price infielders with better D, add low cost power & give Batista AB's as the DH at home. Play Hildalgo in left & Shef in RF.

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:43 pm
Bedard and Silva aren't the worst for the money as long as you realize that lefties are gonna totally light them up in your park. I'm not a big fan of Santana in this park but the cap hit is vicious when dumping higher priced players. I really don't like Bautista's card at all. The offense doesn't look too tremendously bad but with a total hitters park like Coors you can often get by with cheaper hitters that consequently maximized by Coors BP numbers.

Just some random thoughts.

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:33 pm
Dave, yes i am from Venezuela that explain may bad english. Nice city Pto Ordaz, and a lot of realy beautifull woman`s per head there, you shuld back there some time, I live in Caracas wich is about 10 hours by car. Hope the team get better.

mbrake, batista and bedar were recomended, in a post for some guy, bout have few bp hr`s in its cards, any sugestion to replace them??, about roberts, he is batting 328 with 485 slg and 56 sb, in 326 AB. and k. matsui, is the leader batting against lefties in another league i am, so they are not too bad cards i think, Alomar, is just to fill space i think he never will see the sun ligth, the outfielders are just how you said, shef in rigth, hidalgo in left, and c beltran in center. Infield is texeira 1b, boone 2b, jeter ss and A. Ram 3b. So i don`t see any place for more infielders, (am i wrong??) i aldso altenate roberts as dh with rigth p and matsui with lefth pichers, and put batitasta in hitters bll park`s. See any player available that can perfor better?

tyber, any cheap hitter in the ones available in my league that i can substitute?, i don`t have any reference of batista, any better pitcher to change them?

thank`s to all

Raul Silva

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:04 pm
Well maybe you could post a link to the FA pitchers and hitters available.
One thing is certain though, have a well thought out plan in place when you decide to go to the FA market. I've seen and been guilty of teams going to the FA well too often resulting in a team that got worse instead of better.

Know exactly what needs you are trying to address and focus on getting it done in the least amount of transactions to limit the cap hit.

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:10 pm

Here is the link

thank`s again

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:06 pm
by MoCrash
Your hitting should come around, so I wouldn't mess with it. Actually, your pitching isn't all that bad for Coors, except for Silva. Bautista also no great shakes. Bedard is good value for Coors, no BPHRs.

Three options: 1. Set your rotation with your five starters, other than Silva. That would limit Silva's appearances since he is not RP rated and would only be used if the bullpen is expended in a game. 2. Set Santana and Hernandez as your two starters in the rotation and use the per-game option to spot start the other four, making sure Silva doesn't start in Coors unless its against a team very weak vs. RHP and avoiding a Coors start for Bautista, if possible. 3. (assuming the FA list is accurate) Drop Cruz and pick up a cheaper RP ... Horgan seems to be the best choice for the price range you will need. Then drop Bautista and pick up Woody Williams, another good value for a Coors team. Since you still would have five RP-rated pitchers (with Villone), you can do that in the 2005 game. Then choose either option 1 or 2 above.

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 11:10 pm
Just to say thank`s here is a game the win yesteday hope continue this way. Mocrash i just drop bautista and ad woody w. i just think that i could get more rhbatters, well the team is playing 500 pct, and i am 2 in the division, than`k for the help guy`s