Three years ago Arryl came up with a great idea. Pick five "half team", use them to make a team, allow trades of rights, and repeat the process for the next two years using the same half teams. I participated in first three seasons and it was a lot of fun. It was also a unique idea around here and that doesn't come up too often.
While the original league is adding a fourth season with many of the original owners, I thought I'd see if there was enough interest to start a new three year league. If you're planning on participating, please plan to stay in the league for the three seasons.
Here are the rules that were used. They worked out great:
2006 ('05 season), 2007 ('06 season) and 2008 ('07 season):
1 - 5 Round Draft, drafting 1/2 Teams (either Pitching or Hitting).
1a - MUST draft either 3 Hitting & 2 Pitching squads, or 2 Hitting & 3 Pitching squads.
2 - You keep the SAME 1/2 Teams for all three Seasons*
2a - Your personnel WILL change from year to year as players played on different teams on different seasons
Ex: Carlos Delgado, a Met in '06 but a Marlin in '05.
3 - You retain RIGHTS to ALL players on your 5 combined squads (2.5 teams) for the full season. Player movement is ONLY by TRADING, save for add/drops of players whose rights you own.
4 - Players belong to the team they finished the season with/team name on their TSN Card.
Ex: Cliff Floyd played on 3 teams in 2002, but belongs to Red Sox as that is the team he finished the season with.
5 - Players traded are solely for that season. Owners regain the rights to the player for future years, so long as the player remains on a 1/2 team they control.
6 - Barring majority preference otherwise, the 5th Round will be in reverse order to Rounds 1 & 3.
6a - Also, barring majority preference otherwise, you can select your ballpark from any of the 5 half squads you draft.
Ex: You draft Boston H, Yankee H, Philly P, San Francisco P & Toronto H. You can play in Fenway, Yankee, Veterans, Pac Bell or SkyDome.
7 - There will be no clock during the weekends. Due to the skilled nature of the draft (remember you're drafting a team for 3 seperate seasons) the clock will be 24 hours long. Should you miss a turn, your next turns clock length will be decreased by half (to 12, 6, 3) - unless you select before next turn.
8 - All Seasons will use DH
9 - Pick III Lottery is High to Low. If two pick 3's use the late one.
10 - Season I Divisions are based on Draft order (1/4/7/10, 2/5/8/11, 3/6/9/12) while subsequent seasons divisions are based on record from previous season (best 4, middle 4, worst 4).
Who'd like to play pick a state lottery also)?
1 uncle ny (ny)