What is wrong with this team??

What is wrong with this team??

Postby JOHNPHILLIPS 2 » Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:12 pm

I don't know if this team is just this bad or do I have a lot of players that are under performing. This is the 1st team I have done on 2006 so maybe I just haven't learned the players yet.

I'm willing to listen to any ideas.


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Postby visick » Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:36 am

What are your lineups?

While Trachsel can be "good" against a righty dominant hitting team (in the right park), he really shouldn't be throwing for you. At least not every other 4th. game.

I'm not crazy about Chad Cordero's card vs. righties this season.

Hawkins is pitching way too much. His card is terrible.

Hitting wise:
You are seeing 3X the amount of RH's, yet your team is slanted towards hitting LH's.
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Postby markp65 » Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:47 am

Stongly agree with the comments above. Otherwise, John, that's a pretty good team on paper. I like your offense for your park. Smartly chosen roster. I think you're seeing some hard luck on the offensive side. That should improve. Your main problem appears to be the parks you drew within your division. Bad luck for a LH-heavy team to go against all those RH-heavy parks/teams. Murder for your pen.

Pitching wise, two things jump off the page. Your RH starters are getting mashed. Can you work a deal for another LHP? Sheets has trade value. I'd even consider parsing the FAs. Maybe you could scrap Sheets and Towers for 2 quality * LH SP and play heavy to your park... C Lee, Glavine, Mulder...?

Also, your pen might need a re-face. Cordero seems to have settled in, but that's a lot of dingers and blown saves. At very least I'd scrutinize my pen settings, see if there's any tendencies getting exploited.

Hang in there!
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Postby JOHNPHILLIPS 2 » Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:46 pm

Thanks for the help. I did make one change already. I dropped Towwers and picked up Cliff Lee. This should help me some against all the RH sided clubs I am facing.

I have offered Sheets to be traded but haven't had any takers yet.
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Postby Proverbial Psalms » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:47 pm

Damon and Floyd hitting combined 220-something is (a) odd, and (b) will eventually turn itself around... but they both are streaky.

Bullpen... 11 Blown Saves already, contribute greatly to 28 losses... 32 HR's allowed by relievers in 142 innings is a LOT. I think this is the achiulles heel of the team, even after hitting comes around, IMHO. Before disassembling starting staff, see maybe see if you can get guys less HR-yielding!
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