by Leo / loob » Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:32 pm
Robert, thank you so much for the invite. However, I am sad to say that at this moment, I must decline.
I have two commitments that I must keep up with as far as SOM goes. They are the Barnstormers Tour, and the 80's Bracket Tourny.
As for # of teams I have at the moment, they total 5 (!), normally, under regular circumstances, they would number in the 20's.
As I type this, I am sitting on my only piece of furniture I own, my computer chair. Seems sorta funny, that a man like myself, that works 7 days a week, 80 hours a week, would hacve nothing left in his apartment, but its true. When Melissa left (again) I left her take all the furniture. She has our son 85% of the time, and I dont want him to go without what any normal, almost 3 year old should have.
Having the opportunity to be a single man, I, have not been very frugale with my money lately. I took two weeks off from my day job, and my night job, peddlin pizzas (again) the instant cash was too much for me to be frugale with. Essentially, I would work till midnight, and then off to the bar, close that at 2ish, and then off to the diner. I tried to close that everynite, but, being a 24 hour establishment, I usually give up trying at 5 AM or so.
So, alas, I sit on m y chair, getting ready to take a nap on my bedroom floor (lol), and, do it all over again (the bar and diner thing, after work that is).
Thursday, I went back to my day job (with a pay raise actually!), so, it will take 2-3 weeks till I get some normal checks comming in, and, working during the day, I wont be able to spend money like its burning the perverbial hole in my pocket.
Melissa is going to help me put my cash from tips in the bank everyday, as I work 6-4 monday thru thursday, and then 5-12 in the evenings monday thru trursday again. Fridays I peddle pizza 4-2 AM, same for Saturdays, and Sundays is my off day, I "only" work" 4-8ish or so.
Money wont be an issue in a few weeks, desire to make it, however is. I have always been a man that needs a reason to, now, that we are seperated (again), I lost my reason.
Overall, I am doing well enough emotionally, I guess. And I do know that I need to keep busy or I'll lose it. I've become a diner-rat, dependant on the need to be around people. hell, I know all the waitresses by name, on all 3 shifts (lol).
I know that everything happens for a reason (so they say), but, as I stated many times before, what the hell did I do to deserve this?
Ah hell, just ramblin' now, I chat at ya later.
Oh, thanks for "listening"