like to see in ATG6....injuries

like to see in ATG6....injuries

Postby RawleySol » Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:05 pm

I'd like to see injuries dealt with differently. I would like it to be according to at bats. If a guy has 300 at bats on his card, that's how many at bats you can use him for. Many players come in at the 590ish mark (including walks) but you can lose them for 12 games at a time. If the rolls are unlucky, for 12 more games when he comes back, etc... Let me decide when to use the player. Once he exceeds the number of at bats on his card, the "I" goes next to his name and he is void from any lineup. Done deal. This would be especially good with catchers. Set yourself up for 700 at bats with two decent catchers and your worries are over.

I'd also like so see the change of certain switches doing what they're designed for. I SHOULD be able to check off "Hit and Run Agressively" in my manager setting but that means only for the players I haven't disabled on their cards. I'm tired of seeing players hit and run when I have it checked off on their card. That would be a nice feature that's supposedly already there. Can someone make that work? If there's a conflict with the manager setting and the cards, get rid of the manager setting and let the player card determine a hit and run or bunt or steal etc...

Just some ideas. Cheers to all.

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