Whats the Deal with Speaker?

Postby bkeat23 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:19 pm

[quote:1ee3b17cbf="danielz"]In the Summer of 1980, (after our sophomore year in high school) we had a group of guys who met every day at Cooper school to play baseball. 12 to 18 of us would be there every day at 1:00pm and we would play til about 4:00.
Then we would be back at 6:00pm and play til dark.
By the next summer, most of us got jobs and it was more sporadic.
We still talk about it today, how the summer of 1980 was the greatest.
Go by play grounds today, and you never see anyone playing pickup games.
If it's not organized by their parents, the kids don't play.[/quote:1ee3b17cbf]

For us, it was the Jersey Central Power and Light parking lot.
Spray painted bases lined up with telephone poles for foul poles. Lot was full at 4:00, empty by 4:05 :lol:
Nobody slid into a base, that would have been like a low speed motorcycle crash in shorts.

But, I don't see any baseball being played outside organized teams either.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby PotKettleBlack » Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:21 pm

But, I don't see any baseball being played outside organized teams either.[/quote:65c13b3da9]
Can see some good organized amateur ball in Humboldt Park in here in Chicago. Really good amateur players. Main diamond gets an announcer and a loudspeaker. Elotes for sale at a food truck. Great time, except you will be one of the very few anglos there (I am when I go).

It is in the shadow of Roberto Clemente High School.
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Postby sdajr76 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:46 pm

Can see some good organized amateur ball in Humboldt Park in here in Chicago. Really good amateur players. Main diamond gets an announcer and a loudspeaker. Elotes for sale at a food truck. Great time, except you will be one of the very few anglos there (I am when I go).

It is in the shadow of Roberto Clemente High School.[/quote]

truth, i lived by there for years.

Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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