Not wild about the new MB set up!

Not wild about the new MB set up!

Postby modmark46 » Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:55 am

Maybe I just don't like change, but I don't see how this setup improves ANYTHING. :x Geez, of all the changes they COULD have done to the game to improve it, they do this? :shock: Oh well. My wife will be happy as I spend less money on teams. I'll keep all of my multi-league committments, but, otherwise, I think my team buying will drop way down. Not totally to zero...but a lot less than before.
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Postby Risden » Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:02 am

I agree. Not sure what was to be accomplished by this Message Board "change". More difficult for the user; hopefully, it improves the boards for the moderators...
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Postby MICHAELEVANS » Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:36 pm

I agree. Reminds me of the line from the movie, [color=red:90f1eb9abf]"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more." [/color:90f1eb9abf] I think these new boards are not user friendly, and it is a waste of TSN to do this.

Old Geezer, pissed off in Houston. :evil:
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Postby Free Radicals » Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:45 pm

I had just gotten a friend of mine who has played strat for years to join in on the fun . 1st thing he said was he really liked the old boards alot , compared to the sites he's been on . He told me yesterday that these new boards remind him of 2nd rate sites he's already been on and he's not interested in TSN as a site if this what they have for boards . Why change a good thing to this junk ?
Free Radicals
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Postby nevdully's » Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:53 pm

:? :x :shock:
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Postby ROBERTRAINES » Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:34 pm

I think TSN's logic was that this board would fit more with the look of their new design. I think its all crap. The old design and the old boards were both great to begin with.
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i'm as against change as the next guy

Postby STUARTHOLCOMB » Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:11 pm

- maybe more. way i see it was the good boards weren't broke. but tsn fixed them anyway. not really happy about it. yeah there are some bells and whistles - that i care nothing about - making it graphics heavy, one of the things i hate about the internet these days anyway.
at work we can not upgrade our webbrowser. so i'm stuck with old browsers that can not read a lot of these new fangled, graphic-rich, fancy-schmanzy sites. so i won't be around too much on the boards since i'm barely at home enough to sleep 6 hours a night.

(and don't get me started about no signature, since my message board user id changed - arggggg.)

:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?
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Postby Munich_Man » Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:44 am

I hate the new boards. Am I just stupid, or are they hiding the search function really well?

Oh, I guess the slew of new smileys make up for that. Don't even get me started on the crappy notifications function.

And I'm just a veteran now. :lol:

BTW, mod. How did you get to be an "MVP" with 4 posts? If you hate the new boards so much, I'm sure you couldn't have used them that much. My "Community" rating is currently at 0.0%, which doesn't help my rating much, not that I care.

0% community rating, that's funny. I have 7000 or so posts.

Oh, well.

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Postby modmark46 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:26 am

MM, I have no idea how I am rated what I am. To be honest, I don't pay attention to my rating, or any of the other stuff attatched to my board name. The rhyme or reason behind anything with this new MB :roll: is a mystery to me.
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Postby rosenthm » Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:18 am

We complained alot about the old boards...went through a long period of time when the speed and accessibility of the old boards was terrible. It's almost as if TSN has reacted by saying" You're complaining about poor message boards? I'll show you poor, you haven't seen poor yet!" The new boards, and the communication with paying customers regarding transitioning to the new boards is very consistent with the TSN customer care policy. What we think about how these games are run, is way down the priority list, and as long as there are enough paying customers that care more about emoticons and "stars" and community rankings....we'll see more of the same.
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