Fluctuating Cap Keeper League
I’m not sure if this has been tried before. I have an idea for a keeper league where you would have more control over your roster from season to season and be able to vary your cap to make a serious run at a title when the opportunity arises. As an Indians fan I’m well aware of the narrow “windows of opportunity” that most franchises outside of NY and Boston have to deal with.
Here is what I propose:
1. $100m cap DH league. BUT, the league setting would be at $140m. Each teams cap is actually $300m over 3 season. For example, I can play season 1 and 2 at $80m (saving $20m each season) to spend on my team in season 3 where my cap would all of a sudden be $140m ($100m + $20m + $20m).
2. I could come out of the gate swinging with $140m in the first season, but then my next 2 seasons combined can only add up to $160m.
3. The max cap for any 1 season is $140m and the min cap is $60m. So you can’t play one season at $20m and then the next 2 at $140.
4. You can go over the $100m average cap in the first 2 season if you choose, as long as season 3 brings you back in line with the #300m 3 year cap total. After that, each seasons cap is $300m minus the total spent in the previous 2 years.
5. Only the current and previous 2 season matter. So, if you went $60m, $60m, $140m...your next season cap would be $100m (not $140m).
1. Each player can protect 8 players from season to season. 2 SPs and 6 RP/Position players (you must protect at least 1 reliever). You can have players for no more than 4 consecutive seasons. So, if you draft a few players as a nucleus you have 4 seasons to build a winner around them before you have to give them up.
2. You can protect 1 extra player for every season (in any consecutive 3 seasons) that you play at or below $80m. For example, if I play season 1 at $80m, I get to protect 9 players for season 2. If I then play season 2 at $80m, I get to protect 10 players for season 3 (I also get to spend $140m in season 3 in this scenario).
3. You can protect 1 LESS player for every season played over $120m.
4. You can protect no less than 6 players and no more than 10 players.
5. You are protecting players, not cards. It is perfectly legal to draft and play cheap player cards and then upgrade to more expensive cards when you choose to make a run at it.
You can change ballparks every 3 years if you choose, but you must play at least 3 seasons in your chosen park.
Your cap for a season is the highest amount of money that you spent during that season. For example, you can start a season at $80m but find yourself in a race in august and decide to bring your cap up to $100m (as long as this doesn’t violate the $300m/3season rule). Because of this, I’d like to be able to play without any cap hit for changing players during a season (I’m not sure if this is possible).
I’m sure there would be a lot of kinks to work out and I’m hoping that some of you can help get this idea rolling, because I think it would be a really fun league.
Any thoughts on something like this?