Postby egvrich » Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:48 am

For crying out loud, Worrell, one of the best values in the game is getting POUNDED in Forbes.

Gooden is getting pounded too. First and last time I use his sorry butt.

Cepeda is barely hitting his weight.

McDougald isn't hitting his weight.

I started the year with Lyle (vs. RH) & Humphreys (vs. LH) as setup and Worrell as closer both ways. When that didn't work, I moved Humphreys to closer, that doesn't seem to be working either.
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Postby Moodymets » Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:58 am

A few quick thoughts...
* Cepeda doesn't have the OBP to be a #3 in this lineup
* Sisler (with his OBP) is a better bet against righties in Forbes than Foster. I think Foster may have been a misplaced pick for this park
* O'Neill is slow, but man you need to get some batters on base. I'd experiment with him closer to the top of the lineup (utilizing his BB) and drop Sewell down (utilizing his hits)

Couldn't agree more with the others, your pitching has let you down and that's a major factor to your won/loss record. Hang in there... it WILL be interesting to see how this team fares over a full season.
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Postby egvrich » Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:24 am

Some good ideas there, I will try some today, any other ideas guys?
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Postby egvrich » Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:25 am

[quote:8970e28df2="MoodyMets"]I think Foster may have been a misplaced pick for this park[/quote:8970e28df2]

In keeping with the "theme", he was the best I could come up with at the moment. No wonder no one uses him.
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Postby egvrich » Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:51 am

Here's who's on the wire as possible replacements:

D.Garcia 2b
D.Concepcion SS
B.Skowron 1b
C.Ripken SS
G.Scott 1b
R.Ashburn CF
P.Molitor 3b
K.Macha various
D.Baker LF
B.Boone C
B.Russell SS
D.Money 1b, 2b, 3b
D.Evans 1b, 3b
D.Porter C
R.Morehart 2b
C.Speier SS
J.Pankovits various
G.Maddox CF
J.Clark 1b, RF
G.Bell LF

Anybody jumping out at you, screaming pick up my contract!!!
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Postby Moodymets » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:02 am

No one is "jumping out" (although I can't believe no one has Ripken!!!) but a couple of ideas to play with:
* better def up the middle may be a nice help for your pitching staff... turn in an underperforming Sewell for Concepcion and slide McD over to 3B?
* Baker is a better bet in a platoon with Sisler... don't recall off the top of my head if he fits your theme or not though (L or R), just remember him being a decent platoon the one time I used him - an upgrade over Foster regardless I believe

Not much else I'd recommend... Clark and his OBP would be sweet as an addition to the lineup, but his # HRs would severely limit his overall production in this park. Again, best of luck the rest of the way!
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Postby egvrich » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:22 am

M M,

Made a couple of changes already, dropped Gooden, pickup up Sadecki, dropped Lyle and picked up Barney Schultz and set him as setup man and I set closer to normal instead of max, so he should see plenty of innings.

I like the Concepcion idea and maybe I'll give that a shot.

Baker fits the theme, but according to Diamondope, Foster is still better than Sisler or Baker in Forbes against RHP's ..... Damn him.
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If it were my team...

Postby tkl33 » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:27 am

First thing I'd do is clean it up. Over 5M sitting on the bench! :shock:

This is what I'd do from your FA list:

Gooden - Stieb
Hurst - Marichal
Humphreys - Schultz
Oneill - .50 BU
Green - .50 BU
Sisler - .50 BU
Foster - Money (move Cepeda to LF)


Just my .02. :)

Good luck. :D
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Postby buster j ratt » Sat Oct 29, 2005 1:19 pm

Fingers as Closer and Morehart a steal at 50 mil Get as PH if nothing else Never had any luck with Evans anywhere as far as offense and have tried him 4 or 5 times as he was 1 of my favs
buster j ratt
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Postby egvrich » Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:37 am

Team has actually won 3 straight series ....... Woo Hoo!!!

And has climbed all the way up to 15-30.

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