by Proverbial Psalms » Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:45 pm
[quote:0e97442b3d="nevdully's"]But Bill, question. If I understand what you're saying 22 is about what's to be expected only 2/3 rds through... meaning 35ish for a full *normal* season...Does that mean in a particularly bad year he might allow close to 50 pbs?[/quote:0e97442b3d]
You are probably right, that 22 on pace for 35+ is more on the high side than the normal-average season... other than whether the rolls were unusually unfortunate,the real wildcard that is hard to calculate is how many batters come up, per game, with a runner on base. For one thing I have never counted or even sampled, and for another it depends on the type of ballpark and pitching... i.e. Polo 34 would have few PB's because less on base than say Fenway 67 etc... plus whether a team went heavy hitting and thus have pitchers with higher onbase... all would significantly influence the number of chances of even getting to Gibson's ratings, let alone whether once on Gibson's ratings whether the results are normal or an outlier set.
My gut tells me the typical Gibson might be 28-30 PB's, and you are ahead of pace, but maybe worth a closer sampling.
Having said all that, the main point that I realized was how much impact range had on PB chances, which sort of makes sense in that a catcher who can't get to many bouncers or bunts would also likely have difficulty in blocking some balls that are not quite wild enough to be WP's.
The only PB stats we see are for team level, I think, so it is easier for a Gibson who will play almost every inning, than for any type of platoon or case where backup innings are in play during injuries... would be better to compare Gibson to other 3 range catchers but not many play fully, thus team totals would not necessarily be their totals like they are with Gibson... make sense?
Would be great to see a deep dive on this...