First batch of NEW cards - mid season report.

Cobb, Duffy and Shoeless...side by side

Postby hamlin2060 » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:40 am

This team has Cobb, the new Duffy and the new Shoeless side by side in the a BA friendly park. So far, Duffy hitting well...better than Cobb is...and Shoeless only fair (as Nev pointed out)...but Shoeless a lot cheaper than other two as well.

Also had the new Marichal...absolutely sucked...started 0-5 with over 9 ERA...couldn't take it anymore and dropped him...maybe would have averaged out much better...but lost patience.

Overall this team doing much worse than I expected...worse record I have had yet in my 50+ teams...ah well...maybe the good luck will start soon.

Just starting a new team with the new Billy Hamilton on it...anxious to see how he does.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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