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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:25 am
by nevdully's
[quote:cf46d4ce86]Yes and if the truth were to come out,[/quote:cf46d4ce86]

Check your privates djmacb.


PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:43 am
by Salty
Sorry, but some of these arguements are beyond silly.

While I do want to see Bernie fix everything- and I do think hes doing whatever he can atm to make it better- and yes we should try and be supportive here.

The idea that someone is giving us this game out of charity, is well,
The implication that the game might go away, and therefor we should just accept whatever happens is also a lose-lose mentality.

Going forward; if the game gets fixed, runs smoothly, is advertised and continues to improve will be the way to attract more customers- and make the game vibrant.
now Im hopeful that its going to be that way- but if its not, then whats the difference between shutting it down now or in a few months?

...and please keep in mind- Im not suggesting that-
the simple fact that many have stuck around so far indicates that people do want to be supportive- even with all the criticism.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:51 am
by Sheikyerboudi
All I got to say is - I've never spent this much time on my teams at Pennant Chase. :wink:


PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:19 am
by macnole
Darn. I thought I was going to earn a credit for offering criticism. :)

Well how can one not agree with Nev. Absolutely true. It is the silent killer of businesses.

El-S--I disagree about a customer having more voice than any other on a message board based on their time with a username. Been here since 2004--and...?

Now I do agree that core customers should be offered some type of loyalty considerations, but that has nothing to do with this fiasco.

I think it's fair for each customer to feel/post however they please, and ultimately vote with their wallet which seems to be a reality now.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:23 am
by macnole
[quote:6115d3c92c="agabriel"]It's like a dysfunctional marriage over time...the practical issues get lost in the emotions.

I think it's more like battered spouse syndrome

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:42 pm
by Valen
I agree an owner/manager should listen to their customers. I agree customers have a right to complain when the product or service is defective. They absolutely have that right.

But I do not believe the customer has a right to be abusive or insulting. Everyone is within their right to express an opinion that they would have done this or that differently. But when you malign someone and question their integrity you cross a line that should not be crossed.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:56 pm
by nevdully's
[quote:74127e6a8b]But when you malign someone and question their integrity you cross a line that should not be crossed. [/quote:74127e6a8b]

Hmm, has that happened here. I think the worst that's been said is he was incompetent (Petrosian) and I know I suggested he's maybe not the right man for the job.

Look I'm not Webster so I don't know exactly what you might mean by maligned or integrity, but I know as hard as I may try and as well intentioned as I may be, I'm just not the right man to be the Center for the New York Knicks...And in management telling me this they may say I'm not competent enough to fill that position...I wouldn't think I was being maligned, would you. :?

Sometimes the truth hurts (not saying it's true here) but does that mean you don't say it.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:15 pm
by Valen
Come on Nev you went well beyond just saying not the right man for the job. You shouldn't type it if you are not willing to own it.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:46 pm
The only thing I can say about this whole thing is simply, yeah we're customers and we should have not only quality service but quality products provided, but FFS this is just a game, a hobby.

Unless somebody here is running a business setting up/managing strat teams for clients in which they are earning an income to support their family all I can say is get a grip.

Worst analogy ever!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:51 pm
by coyote303
[quote:d3472ec30c="nevdully's"][quote:d3472ec30c]But when you malign someone and question their integrity you cross a line that should not be crossed. [/quote:d3472ec30c]

Hmm, has that happened here. I think the worst that's been said is he was incompetent (Petrosian) and I know I suggested he's maybe not the right man for the job.

Look I'm not Webster so I don't know exactly what you might mean by maligned or integrity, but I know as hard as I may try and as well intentioned as I may be, I'm just not the right man to be the Center for the New York Knicks...And in management telling me this they may say I'm not competent enough to fill that position...I wouldn't think I was being maligned, would you. :?

Sometimes the truth hurts (not saying it's true here) but does that mean you don't say it.[/quote:d3472ec30c]

OMG. You just made your initial insult worse. Are you now implying that Bernie is as out of place doing what he does as you would be playing center for the Knicks? Say it isn't so!