[quote:f614295fe1]V- If my supposition is correct- then you absolutely cant/shouldnt/wouldnt want to weight them based on useage; Thats an ever-changing variable rather than an absolute even one.
Keep in mind that Im not a maths person, so am hoping my explanation makes sense. [/quote:f614295fe1]
You explanation makes sense and if you took a week by week reading it might fluctuate some. But I wold bet if you averaged the thousands of leagues that get played the standard deviation of it on a week to week basis would be very small perhaps going up or down occasionally by a tenth of a dice roll.
In other words if the average park used for the last thousand leagues is 9.3 I would bet the average for the next hundred would be within a 9.1 to 9.5 range. And barring addition of any new parks would be within 9.2 to 9.4 for the next thousand.
Even if there was slightly more variation than that it would still be closer to real value than arbitrarily designating 8-8-8-8 or whatever as the average base park to use.
But this is really just a side discussion of low relevance. Of more importance I think agabriel is right, pricing should be formula based and simply ran against the data in the card database. The need to have that calculated price adjusted based on the subjective opinion of any individual or small group of individuals just feels off to me.
And if averages for ballpark usage do vary significantly over time then if the pricing formula was strictly a formula without subjective adjustment the formula could be reran against the database say twice a year and pricing reset to reflect the changing usage pattern of the cards.