I must have struck a nerve with TSN on the old boards...

Postby Valen » Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:43 pm

[quote:1bf1299c20]Who cares if the PC's may have been right in the middle of a live draft when the change was "suddenly" made?[/quote:1bf1299c20]The old boards were left up and fully functional. So I do not see how the change negatively impacted live drafts in progress.
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Postby rosenthm » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:51 am

Velen, because at the time, some of the managers didn't know how to get to the old boards. Out of the clear blue sky you go to the message boards for your pick in a live draft and you're greeted with the new boards....no warning, no communication from TSN-SOM....Just a temporary shutdown of the live draft until the link to the old boards could be shared and/or the draft could be copied to the new boards. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. But how much trouble would it have been to have someone post a message like the ones in red when there is going to be site maintenance,"On Thursday at 12 midnight. we are changing to the new message boards...make sure you have copied any draft information or messages to the new boards. Thank you for your patience as we make the changes necessary to inprove the TSN-SOM site. :)
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gone will be my favorite thread

Postby MICHAELEVANS » Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:23 am

Since we can't post pictures here, my favorite thread of all time about pictures of major league players will no longer be available. :evil: I really enjoyed looking at all the old time greats, without having to spend hours on Google. Oh well, just some more @%@#%@% gripping from another "over the hill" SOM gamer. What do they care?
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Postby STUARTHOLCOMB » Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:03 am

~~Well for starters, the notifications feature is lacking. You get an e-mail that "someone has posted" in a thread you are subscribed to - a single e-mail, no matter how many follow up posts there are.~~

that's a concern for me. since i get so much spam in my e-mail, i have everybody i don't know blocked. so when somebody sends a private message, i won't get that e-mail from tsn. and i can't check these message boards regularly from work.
but i guess that's my problem for now :mrgreen:
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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