play by the rules, grindi and muttdoc. please read. edit

Postby JUMA » Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:54 pm

To a disinterested observer, you are coming across as the jerk at this point. Let it be.
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Let it rest Grindi

Postby last samurai » Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:13 pm

Whatever wrongs you feel pbtr inflicted upon you, have more than been offset by your latest barrage of diparaging posts about him in an open forum. We get it that he popped off to you and you were offended. You are starting to carry the payback to an absurd extreme. Give it a rest or at least keep it private with him.

I don't know either of you guys, other than the posts I have seen on the forum, so I am also a neutral observer.
last samurai
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Postby crackerjaxon » Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:55 pm

Personally, I hope they rag each other for the next six months.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:10 pm

Personally I hope we can all let it drop. That was the purpose of my post. It is not necessary to start six threads calling attention to a meanigless personal dispute.

If you must post again and again about this please try to keep it all on the same thread. I don't like to wake up in the morning and see seven threads with my name in the title. It's just not necessary.
Play By The Rules
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Postby Play By The Rules » Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:13 pm

Oh and by the way if I offended anyone by using the word gay in a post I apologize too. Some people take things way, way too seriously around here.
Play By The Rules
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:35 pm

Wait a minute here. I'm confused. Everybody thought that he popped off in the other thread at bunz. That thread was first. My ONLY reference to him came when I asked if it was the same Larry as in the post where "PBTR and I had our broohaw". Then on THIS post HE says it was me. I wasn't on this post until AFTER he admitted HE SLAMMED ME. READ IT! IT IS IN BLACK AND WHITE. Even the post you refer about him eating crow was spelled out as a RAZZ in the beginning. This as shole attacks me personally and the bunch of you side with him? Friends like this who needs enemies?
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Postby NEILKAHN » Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:19 pm

Actually, I was the one that inserted the Gay business. It was totally unrelated to the conflict/discussion at hand. I was just razzing bunzo about his team name, Man Rams, which is a contraction for a great player, also listed as the manager of the team, Manny Ramirez. I presume bunzo is from Boston. But I am sorry, it just struck me as hilarious. Man Rams! Tell me that does not conjure Gay images. And paired with the moniker bunzeO, well, I just could not resist. He got me back though with the name "buttdoc" I told that one to my kids and office staff today, and they ALL howled. So I will take the blame for the sexual references. Of course, I have an excuse. I am actually a 9 year old boy.
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Postby MICHAELEVANS » Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:35 pm

9 year old boy??? Hmmm, Chief, either you are Doogie Howser, or maybe you should have a session with yourself because you are becoming delusional.

By the way, I know you're from Atlanta. Sorry about our Astros winning again this year. :mrgreen:
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Postby Simon31 » Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:14 pm

Good grief! I have a hard time believing people are so serious sometimes. If this were FTF, in my experience, some good natured chiding was all part of the fun of the game! Some good natured teasing is or can be good fun if it doesn't resort to a personal attack on someone's character. Most of you know the usual crowd that likes to indulge in some good natured "ribbing" once in awhile, the doc being one of my favorites, and it adds a little more fun to the game...IMHO. I appreciate the witticisms. Some of the guys I played with in FTF games weren't very quick of wit, so they just resorted to reaching across the table and giving the ol nipple a good twist! I don't think there was anything "gay" about it as much as it was to say "that last run you scored REALLY pissed me off!"
...and that was ok too!! :lol:
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Postby Play By The Rules » Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:22 pm

I asked if Grindi were gay because I felt I was being stalked by him on the boards. He started at least three seperate threads regarding his wonderful 86 win team, and had to bring up something about a Larry (who's that?) in the other thread (which I responded in.) I was being sarcastic and asking if he had a crush on me because it seems I never leave his mind.

I'm sorry if most of you misunderstood my point, I think that the person it was aimed at did, and let's just leave it at that.
Play By The Rules
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