Manager/adding 77 and 89/Full Live draft/Amended live draft
1. honestiago DC/DC/DC
2. andycummings
3. visick - Adding years and Amended Draft for 4 players.
4. gfg001
5. dukie98
6. ShakeyBoomer
7. Frank M - 77-89 is fine and Amended Draft for 6 players.
8. BDWard - 77-89, DD draft of up to 15 players, unique parks*
* I can live with either an autodraft or live draft of any length up to 15 rounds for players. If there is a live draft, it's possible that one could still get burned by the remaining autodraft picks with just 4-6 players being selected in a live draft. A live draft of a few more rounds might give more competitive balance. Also, if we are doing a live draft, should unique stadiums be reconsidered? I'd hate to be in a league full of Fenways and Yankee Stadiums, which are the two most skewed parks from 1978.