The countdown is on

Postby JohnnyBlazers » Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:58 pm

These transitions take time....testing, fixing bugs...testing...and more testing before a final rollout. I wouldn't be surprised if this takes a week or more... :shock:
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Postby nevdully's » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:21 pm

[quote:7a6596a4cf]It kills me because I've built a really good site here that I can't wait to show it off, but it's just some really stupid things mucking things up and throwing egg everywhere right now.

Anyway. I just have to power through this in any case. [/quote:7a6596a4cf]

I hear ya.
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Postby Measured Mayhem » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:33 pm

Im not really upset by this. Ive gotten so used to deadlines being missed here that I'm really desensitized to it. What Im starting to find very amusing is how whoever is in charge of these things can keep putting themselves through this. Its like charlie brown and the football, how many times can they keep being overconfident on deadlines?

Whoever is in charge of making the deadlines or setting the "launch dates" for these things needs to think of the LATEST possible date a project will be done by and then add a week and thats the "launch date." Their current formula or system they are using to make time estimates clearly isn't working
Measured Mayhem
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Postby guardian154 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:16 pm

I have been part of transitions like this, pushed to meet a deadline and they turned into a joke. Due-diligence is required here, drive on
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Postby PJ Axelsson » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:18 pm

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

-Douglas Adams or Bernie Hou!

PJ Axelsson
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Postby Salty » Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:41 pm

I think Bernie Hou needs to contact Dr. Who;
see if you can get a ride in the Tardis and come back to a couple days earlier.

PS- just in case some here think Im not just making a joke and this is some kind of scathing criticism, here ya go :wink:
Last edited by Salty on Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:50 pm

Only one person today has complained about log in issues. Does that sound like a website issue? Could be but would not be my first guess.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby Bunze0 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:28 pm

I say go get em bernie! Your doing the best you can my friend. Have patience , like a field of dreams build it and we shall come.
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Well, well, what a shock.....

Postby BDWard » Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:18 am

[quote:55ab939625]Well, well what a shock. :o

And it' gets better. When one tries to log on to the, the computer freezes for several minutes. Happened both times I tried to access the site today.

Technical difficulties huh? Is that what we call incompetence now? :roll:[/quote:55ab939625]

Well, well, what a shock that Petrosian is responding with his usual vitriol.

It's a known fact that addicts have difficulty with even the simplest of tasks (like logging in) when missing a fix. Others just get even more nasty and mean than their usual surly dispositions.

Just take a pill and chill. Bernie will soon whip up a new better than ever batch to satisfy your cravings.

Yes, we all have high expectations and can be very demanding as a group. Bernie's doing the best he can trying to bring us a vastly improved product with a minimum of bugs. I'd rather have a little longer delay and fewer bugs to deal with when the product is rolled out.

I think Bernie is the right man, perhaps the only man, for the job.

I hope Bernie's new bosses at SOM realize that the vast majority of people here are overwhelmingly supportive and appreciative of his fine work and that the few malingerers are a very vocal minority who aren't happy unless they are complaining or fighting with someone.

Bernie has dealt with a lot of unwarranted and harsh criticism, some of it personally insulting, over the years from those questioning his work ethic and/or competence by turning the other cheek and attempting to provide even greater customer service.

I've read nary a foul word from Bernie in his own defense, nor would I expect to read such, as it would be bad for business. The playing field isn't always level when trying to respond to and/or satisfy customers. To his credit, his responses have always been along the lines of "Now that the problem has been identified, I'll fix it" and he has NEVER taken the bait by responding publicly in kind to the often harsh, unreasonable and unfair criticism.

Some of the criticism has been so unfair and harsh since the announcement that SOM would be replacing TSN that it can only be construed as a transparent attempt to embarrass Bernie in front of his new bosses and cause his dismissal.

Does anyone in his right mind really want to see that happen?

How and why Bernie puts up with it is beyond me, but it speaks volumes about his dedication to the community and the game. While no one is irreplaceable, I shudder to think what would become of the online game if Bernie left.

While I do not deign to speak for Bernie, TSN, SOM or the online community as a whole, those who don't like it here should go elsewhere in their pursuit of gaming perfection.

Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
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Postby DOUGELKE » Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:28 am

I agree,Petrosion if you don't like it ,why don't you justII leave.I don't think you'll be missed.
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