Good trades

Postby bkeat23 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:49 pm

I was once building a team for a left power park, and planned on Josh Gibson and Kiner being the RH offsets to a team of left bombers.

Draft was a disaster, got Gibson, no Kiner, and none of my LH homer hitters.
I need to start from scratch, so offer Gibson to a guy in a RH homer park for Maris.

Seems lopsided against me, I thought, but Maris was something to build around, and removing Gibson freed up a lot of salary for a rebuild of the roster.
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Postby OakAth72 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:29 pm

I'm with Salt on the narrative......everytime I am on the receiving end of one I picture a used car salesman in a Herb Tarlek suit on the other end. Salt is a seasoned (no pun intended) and successful manager and you almost have to feel slightly insulted when another manager ignores this and feels they need to explain why certain players will improve your team.

I am sure that some of the narratives are sincere and have nothing but the best of intentions but a lot are blatantly trying to sell you a bill of goods.
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Postby Valen » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:25 pm

I agree that probably most are trying to talk you in to accepting the trade and doing their best to package it. I have received a few such narratives from Salt at times. But there has been a time or two when someone made a suggestion that I would not have immediately thought of. So I try to put aside my arrogance that only I know what is best for my team and at least listen. If I disagree I reply with my reasons for disagreeing. Has led to a few trades and many interesting discussions.

But to speak more directly to Salt's situation as described. One has to be careful not to project on this person the bad actions of others from the past. Reminds me of a fiance I once had who assumed every time I drove fast I was mad because her ex had always done so. I was just trained by my dad from grade school to drive fast. On the other hand if this is a pattern exhibited many times by this specific individual that is different. Then I would say something to him. But unless he was extremely rude like that one guy now famous for the wrong reasons it would die there.
Last edited by Valen on Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Valen » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:32 pm

A good example of how an apparent lopsided trade can be beneficial in a salary cap league. But I bet if most of us received an offer of Maris for Gibson we would be laughing and possibly calling them out on the boards.

I remember 2001 when I think it was Gonzalez who hit 50 HRs. I always put him on my draft card along with Jose Cruz. If I remember right Gonzalez was in the mid 9s and Cruz cost was in the mid 4s. In any league where I did not get Cruz I immediately offered up Gonzalez for Cruz. Half the time it was accepted and other half rejected.

These are a couple more examples of how trades can be lopsided in salary or even in actual raw value and still be good trades.
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Postby Salty » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:48 am

It was the same person that sent the narrative 3 years ago- not someone different.

Also- I dont recall doing it- but if I did send you a narrative such as the one you saw here I have to apologize- I do try and discuss/argue moves- but I hope that I didnt say something where you would consider that I was purposely misleading you for the purpose of making a deal.

and Id add V, that although we dont always agree about players, I dont ever recall you saying anything where I thought you were saying something that you yourself didnt believe.
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Postby Valen » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:33 am

3 years? My memory has not gone back that far for 20 years.
Wait, that makes me sound old. Pretend you did not read that.
This post is officially declared a mispost. :lol:

If it only happened once every 3 years I probably cut them some slack. Though as noted that might be just because my memory does not go back that far. In fact my memory typically only goes back the last couple leagues. :(
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Postby Valen » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:56 am

To be honest there were a couple times I thought you were overselling something. Do not remember details. Similar with Nev at one time. Unfortunately I failed to follow my current guidelines back then resulting in some unneccesary spats. But we kept talking and now knowing each other better have some great discussions. That experience is one of the reasons I try now to suppress my instinct toward sarcasm.

In fact I tend to watch my leagues that are close to filling for Nev to show up and am a little disappointed when he doesn't.

Point is bad reactions lead to bad feelings. Ongoing dialogue leads to creation of friends.
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Postby Valen » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:27 pm

It is possible that rather than thinking you are too stupid to figure out how a trade helps your team the person is just trying to show they have thought about how the trade would impact your team and aren't just offering something that will help themselves.

I usually think about how a trade affects the other guy and how their team would fit together after the trade. I frequently decide against sending offers because my evaluation was that post trade they would have unacceptable holes, especially after season starts. Not so much preseason because holes are easier to fill preseason. We are only insulted if we choose to be insulted.
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