ATG6 Keeper League Format:
1. $100mil DH 5/10/20 – Alternate DH/no DH.
2. Player Pool – NeL players ALWAYS eligible*
- Players divided into 10 groups based on card year. Last digit determines group
- We will use 5 of the available groups each season (half of the player pool)
- We will use a randomizer to determine what 5 groups are used to draft the first season.
- Each season we will randomly drop 2 groups and pick up 2 groups. This way we will essentially always be using about half of the player pool giving everyone a decent chance to field the team that they want.
3. The first season will be a 16 round DD or thread draft. The 6th round will be for unique parks. This will give everyone a chance to draft a rotation, a couple relievers, and a starting lineup without relying on the autodraft.
4. If a player has an eligible card, then ALL of that player’s cards are eligible. It seems easier this way than to have to worry about using the card year.
5. A manager can use a park for 3 seasons before he has to change. This is so other managers can have a chance at a park if they want it.
6. Offseason Keepers – We will do a protect 3 players, steal 1 player, protect 4 more players structure. This gives everyone a chance to keep most of their team intact.
- After the protection rounds are complete, we will randomly drop 2 cards years and add 2 card years.**
- Well will autodraft to fill out rosters. If everyone places their 8 protected players in the LAST 8 SLOTS on the autodraft card, then everyone gets a fair chance at the free agents.
- You get to use your keepers no matter what card year they have.
- You can keep a player for 3 seasons before they must be returned to the free agent pool. This includes traded players.
7. The steal round order will go from worst record to best record with tie-breakers being head to head and then run differential if necessary. You can only have 1 player stolen from your team each season.
8. The first season divisions will be randomed. After that, the 4 playoff teams will be in the East, the 4 (of 8 remaining) teams with the best record in the Central. The 4 worst records in the West. Head to head, then run differential tiebreakers.
9. Let’s try a 10 season commitment, to be extended if it’s working out and everyone wants to keep going.
*There are only 64 NeL player. They are fun to play with, and it will be easier just keeping them available.
**We can also run the randomizer prior to each new draft if that is preferable. I thought it would be better to designate keepers without that knowledge.
It’s pretty simple and straightforward. About half of the players will be available with some variation each season but a lot of continuity. The player pool should be pretty easy to sort through using card year. Keep 7 players and steal 1 each season in a pretty easy format that shouldn’t take long.
I tried to keep this simple and easy and stick to the concept of team building and maintenance, while still giving everyone a chance at most players.
Thoughts on this?