The countdown is on

Postby Palanion » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:51 am

I have often wondered if the things Nev alludes to and that I certainly remember and was a part of were more a byproduct of TSN's poor management and resource allocation than a consistent string of failed expectations from Bernie.

I remember many site issues, game problems, and overall failures that seemed to be caused by Bernie's predecessors or TSN. Not to say that Bernie is perfect--he is not (no one is); however, Bernie is not the cause of all things wrong with SOM Online.

And I think we can wait another day if we have to... I mean, I don't want Bernie to bleed from his pores again. That would just delay this thing another week or month... :P
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Postby BruceF » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:06 am

Bernie, Just do the best that you can and ignore the negativism. God, family, and health are much more important than work or entertainment.

"What good does it do if you gain the whole world yet lose your soul?"--Jesus
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Postby artie4121 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:08 am

I used to be Managing Editor of a large magazine in the women's field.

My Editor in Chief was sleeping with the Publisher and LIVING with the Associate Publisher.

I was caught between Iraq and a Hard Place. Whenever I complained that I needed more help, it was ignored. It was like it was a dysfunctional family business.

I guarantee Bernie is the kind of guy who would walk through hell in a gasoline suit for us IF he had the support.

Sometimes, it just ain't there folks.
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Postby artie4121 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:10 am

"In your patience possess ye your souls!"

Luke 21:19 . . . and Uncle Bob. (Let's see who gets that reference.)
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:30 am

We got those things because we asked for them, hounded for them and as necessary demanded them. We did not get them because we ran around screaming incompetent (as Petrosian did which has been his recurring theme of late).
Mr Baseball World
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Postby Maxie Minoso » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:32 am

[quote:5dc654a98d]F5 [/quote:5dc654a98d]I think I had an uncle that few one of those during the war with Canada.

Maxie Minoso
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Postby nevdully's » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:35 am

[quote:5d92abbbd5]We got those things because we asked for them, hounded for them and as necessary demanded them. We did not get them because we ran around screaming incompetent (as Petrosian did which has been his recurring theme of late). [/quote:5d92abbbd5]

I hear ya.
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Postby Salty » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:38 am


I guarantee Bernie is the kind of guy who would walk through hell in a gasoline suit for us IF he had the support.


Artie- as an editor isn't this kind of hyperbole you might edit out? :wink:
Its akin to saying 'If I had a few million dollars more, Id be a much more charitable man'. :P
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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:46 am

Let's keep the old men entertained, or else!
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Postby Measured Mayhem » Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:51 am

I understand the support for bernieh. I understand that building this new website and the transition are tough. My gripe isn't with the work but rather the constantly overly optimistic launch "dates," which has occurred many times in the past too . Im not sure how much in the past bernieh has a hand in that, this time however it does feel like this is more the higher ups setting the date.

However I really dont get the knee jerk "how dare you criticize bernieh" and "we are indebted to him" sediments. There is this notion that we should be so grateful for anything he does and we are simply lucky. Correct me if Im wrong but isn't he part of a business with a job. Dont we pay for this game and service and in return bernieh gets compensated via a salary? Isn't this his job? If I pay a plumber to fix a toilet I dont just sit there and not care how long it takes him and just assume Im "lucky" he is helping me and that he is doing me some sort of favor. Im am paying him for a service, its a transaction.

I think this video is relevant to what Im talking about
Measured Mayhem
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