A bit of reality inserted in to our fantasy world...

A bit of reality inserted in to our fantasy world...

Postby modmark46 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:04 am

...just got word that my great-nephew was injured over in Iraq. He is in the Army (infantry) and right in the thick of things. Was caught in an explosion, but he got off relatively easy - ruptured eardrum and concussion. For him, a few days to a week off. Don't know if any of his comrades were injured more seriously. He is always laid back when he e-mails me. Told me a couple of weeks ago that he is always getting shot at by snipers, but luckily, "they were all lousy shots". I am real close to his dad, whom I helped raise. Makes me feel guilty, obsessing about fantasy lineups and the like, when he and so many others are facing the very real prospect of serious injury, or death, every day. Thank God it wasn't worse. But, he will go back in to the field all too soon. OK, sorry for this non-baseball post, but just had to vent/release a little. Back to fantasy now...
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Postby Maxie Minoso » Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:27 am

Don't apologize.

There isn't a day go by that my thoughts don't turn to our men in Iraq and hopes for their safe return from the madness there.

While we may find temporary relief from world problems in a good book, a round of golf, or a silly fantasy baseball game, we all realize their low priority in our lives.

I, for one, appreciate you sharing your feelings about your [really] great nephew and hope for his quick and safe return along with that of his countless friends in arms.

Maxie Minoso
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No need to apoolgize!!

Postby Munich_Man » Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:52 am

I'm glad to hear your nephew is (relatively) all right. I have a number of friends over there right now. A good friend just got back from a six month stint over there and a friend of mine is about to deploy in two weeks for an indefinite period of time. We're going to the Oktoberfest for a big bash on Monday before he ships out.

Don't feel guilty, leading as normal a life as possible is the best thing to do. The last thing the people want is to think that people are worrying about them at the expense of their own lives. Believe me, I've been there (Gulf War I). To give us the opportunity to be able to obsess about fantasy lineups is their job.

Best wishes to your nephew and his comrades.

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Postby NEILKAHN » Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:11 am

I hope he gets well and stays well. I would be interested in his appraisal of the average Iraqi citizen's opinion about the US occupation. I think it ironic that the terrorists are so bent about our being there, when everybody here can't wait until we can get out. It is also worth noting that there were Nazi terrorists in Germany after WW2, and continued such activity for years after the war was over. Now a stable democracy and trusted ally. It can happen.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:23 am

God man that's terrible news. Certainly puts everything in perspective.

Thanks to your nephew for being willing to give his life to defend our country.
Play By The Rules
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My unit is activating soon...

Postby wilee23 » Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:32 pm

lucky for me, I'm not through OCS yet...but I signed up for this and I am willing to take my turn in Iraq. Even if my 39-year old body doesn't want to do the training, particularly after nearly a 17 year absence from military service. Family and friends don't understand, but I'm sure a few of you guys do. HOOAH! We all need to pray for those in Iraq everyday.
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Postby MICHAELEVANS » Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:33 pm

Modmark, thanks for the info. It is scary. I had a nephew and a niece there for a long time, but thank goodness they are both back safe. I have a good friend who is there as a civilian contractor, and I worry about him every day. His wife goes to our church so I get a week-by-week account. No one (in their right minds) likes war, but until evil is eradicated from our world, good men and women will always be needed to stand up and make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Please tell your great nephew that many here in fantasy land salute him.

I used to work for the US State Dept. and was working at the Embassy in El Salvador during their civil war in the 80's. My wife and I became very close to the marines who guarded us. It was like losing 4 younger brothers when 4 of them were killed by guerillas in 1985. They were sitting at a cafe (my wife and I had eaten there the night before) and the guerrillas came up and hosed the place with automatic weapon fire, killing the 4 marines and many of the other customers. To this day, I get a lump in my throat when I see Marines. :(
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