Why, during a Frenzy or mini- frenzy (the period after waivers) would you NOT read your mail...I'm not talking about the first few minutes of a Frenzy, but a bit into it.......It's probably a trade offer right? yet they go unread, only to be opened at the tail end of the minorest (is that a word) transactions left.....By then of course the players in the transaction have long since been swapped out.... :(
I've had two recent situations where the first owner said "WOW, I woulda took that deal" but of course it couldn't be put together again...The other situation the owner said "I loved that deal, why did you rescind".....My answer was by the time he opened his mail the player I wanted to complete the deal was no lomger on the free agent list......... :(
WHY don't we open the mail??????? :(