Anti Gaming-The-Game League

Anti Gaming-The-Game League

Postby Leo / loob » Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:09 am

***Warning*** Time consuming league, that requires attention, time, and thought. Not a click and play league, this league will hafta be watched.

This league, will be as close to real life, as there has been in TSN-SOM history (barring net play of course) Here are the rules (there are two sets, 1 regular set, and 1 anti G-T-Game rules

Regular rules:
1. 80 Million
2. No DH
3. 31 round live draft using Penngrays site (30 players + stadium)
A. Draft at 100 million on penngrays site
B. League will fill out TSN draft card @ 200 million.
C. Must only have a TSN roster value of 80 million at all times
(The above rule basically takes out the penalty for drops/adds)

ANTI G-T-Game rules
1. Must carry 3 catchers (at all times) unless you own a catcher with 600 plate appearences
2. Must carry atleast 3 R-rated ONLY RPers
3. Must use atleast 8 pitchers UNLESS you have a 4 man rotation, than you can only use 7 (5 SPers + 3 RPers OR 4 SPers + 3 RPers)
4. 110% useage limits on PA's for hitters. Innings Pitched for pitchers. (take the AB's, plus walks TIMES 1.10 for allowable PA's --- take Innings Pitched TIMES 1.10 for allowable IP's)
5. 25 man ACTIVE roster at all times (5 FARM players at all times)
6. Once a player is maxed out on useage, he MUST be dropped, from both active and farm rosters.
Now, the time consuming rule
***Undrafted FA's available to all, but NOT 1st come 1st serve. They are available thru a claiming process. There is NO ORDER ON CLAIMS. Just send a league wide mailing stating which player you are adding to your roster (active or inactive). The rest of the league has 4 HOURS to block said claim. If it is blocked by a team with a WORSE record than the claiming team, that team MUST ADD that player to its ACTIVE roster. The team that was blocked gets to pick up any player without going thru the blocking process- he's yours.

This league, as said before, is going to be as close as it gets. This can be really fun, but its going to take time. Lets do one of these things the way that it was meant to be played on the board version.

Please select a pick 3 lottery state (HIGH TO LOW ---1st to 12th) to determine draft order

1. Mr. Leo -OHIO

The rules, while not set in stone, are basically what they are going to be, if, you have any questions/concerns or would like to add something, please, all suggestions welcome.
Leo / loob
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Simon31 » Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:43 am

Leo, this is a great concept! Wish I hadn't just joined that last league cuz "the boss" informed me I have maxed out on my teams for now! :cry:
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Postby Leo / loob » Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:02 pm

Come on folks, this has all the makings of a league without any "cheat codes", the way the table top was made to be played.

Where are all the tradionalist out there??
Leo / loob
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby frannyzoo » Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:19 pm

loob: I think we're doing netplay at this point.
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Postby Leo / loob » Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:33 pm

Franny, its actually Leo (Michael) lou (loob) is taken some Wisconsin state sponsored time away from the internet for another 2-3 years (probation, not jail)
Leo / loob
Posts: 55
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Postby zrot » Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:13 pm

Mr. Leo, please explain to me what you mean by a "cheat code".

Thanks, TimO
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Postby Leo / loob » Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:10 pm

There are a few ways to game the game, or, using "cheat codes" that are written into the gaming code....

For example, it is possible to have a 5 man rotation of S/R rated SPers, and THEN carry 5 S rated only SPers. What you would do is, place the 5 S only SPers in your rotation, but, instead of going with them for your staters, you set the per game starters for each game.

In doing such, you basically will never have those S only pitchers pitch.

Also, there is a catcher rule, your last active catcher on your roster cannot be injured for more than the rest of that game.

They are both written that way into the gaming code.

This league, would ensure that neither of those instances would come into play, unless you carry 3 catchers (which we must) and 2 are injured, then the 3rd guy, becomes basically invincable till one of them becomes healthy again.
Leo / loob
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Leo / loob » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:57 am

One of the guys from the Luverne connection league(s) would like to join. All we need now, is some of these grizzly veterans to take of thier skirts......
Leo / loob
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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