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I've been gone for quite some time...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:13 pm
by Millercorps
It seems like I've been gone for a long time and I'm looking to get a team going. I'm not exactly sure what type of league I'm looking to get into but some type of long ball league sounds fun. Is there any starting up and if there isn't is there any interest in one?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:32 pm
by andycummings65
Wow, there's a name from the past. What, ATG2 or ATG3?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:08 pm
by Millercorps
I think ATG3. :)

I'm just looking to get back in the game. :D

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:51 pm
by andycummings65
rejoin 14 games by signing up for my 1926-1946 franchise league below :D

I remember when I was first getting started that you had a great Dunn team, which I studied a lot from behind in the standings

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:36 am
by Millercorps
I would really like to but I'm concerned about the 14 week commitment. My wife is looking for a job and until that happens I think the commitment may be a bit much for me at this time.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:41 am
by andycummings65
understood. Glad to have you back though......

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:16 pm
by Mr Baseball World
Some possibilities:

-Basic all hitting no pitching league
-go extreme with the above by hand picking the worst 120 pitchers in the set to be the required pitchers
-Shifting Sands(everyone picks a theme and all managers have to comply with all 12 rules)
-Auction Draft on the boards(depending on rules can go from a month to close 6 months to do the draft)
-live draft on the tsn site(takes 90 minutes to 3 hours I believe depending on time limit on picks)

You looking draft on diamonddope, autodraft or if you want to go the ATG I old school route a live draft on the message boards.