ATG Keeper League

ATG Keeper League

Postby motherscratcher » Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:16 pm

I'd like to start up a keeper league in ATG 6. But I'm not sure how to structure it. I'm looking for advice and ideas for league rules.

My initial thought is to use a $100 mil DH league where you get to keep 2 starters, 1 reliever, and 4 position players. I have no idea if this is too many or too few keepers.

I also thought it might be fun to have a twist where each team gets to steal a player from another team prior to each draft.

So how about it? Give me some ideas as to how these usually run. What works and what doesnt work?

Thanks dudes.
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:29 pm

SBDL allows three keepers and then there is a steal round, then 3 more keepers and then a six round draft(worst to first from previous year in all rounds). That league also limits the player pool.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:30 pm

It also limits you as to pitcher/hitter split for the 7 "keepers" with no more that 4 hitters or 4 pitchers.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby motherscratcher » Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:32 pm

That sounds pretty good. I hadn't thought of having a steal round in the middle. How do they limit the player pool?
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:23 am

The pool was divided into the following groups by first letter last name. When set up that made each set roughly equal in number. Started with randomly picking 4 pitcher set, 4 hitter sets and 4 that could be from either. Each season then one set is randomly added and one randomly retired. Players in the retired set can be kept as keepers thereafter but if ever dropped or not retained within the keepers, become retired.

C, U
H, E, Z
W, O, Y
R, A, Q
G, K
D, F, I
L, J, N
P, T, V

B, J
M, T
S, A, Y
H, F, U
C, D, Q
R, W, Z
L, P, N
G, K, E, O, V, U
Mr Baseball World
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Postby motherscratcher » Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:34 am

Ok, just so I understand correctly, you can have ex:

4 hitter sets: (B) (S) (C,U) (R,A,Q)
4 pitcher sets: (B,J) (C,D,Q) (H,F,U) (L,P,N)
4 either sets: (M) (H,E,Z) (W,O,Y) (S,A,Y)

So, the players from last group can be either hitters or pitchers? For example, you could add Mantle or Maddux because the (M) group ws picked for "either" set?

How did you come up with the sets? Were those letter combos just grouped together based on number?

Lastly, what is the purpose of limiting the player pool? Is it so the teams have to change and you don't end up with the same teams over and over again?

Lastly again, is there a limit to how many seasons in a row one team can protect a player? Can one team just keep Bonds for the entire time?
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:32 pm

I splained badly. The extra 4 groups could be either hitter groups or pitcher groups, so those last 4 groups could range from 4 hitter groups and zero pitching groups to 0 hitter groups and 4 pitcher groups....... Sets were set that way by the commish because it made each group roughly the same number.

The idea of groups I believe was a combination of wanting to not have such a big pool and bringing fresh players each season. A player can be kept as many years as you want...
Mr Baseball World
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