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Surgery then Live Draft

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:32 pm
by MountainDogg
My buddy just had heart surgery. Most of his friends joke that he brought it on himself by being a Red Sox fan (collapse), a Dolphins fan and drafting Michael Vick in our fantasy league.

He's recovering well but he's gonna have to take it easy for a long while so I figured why not throw an ATG LIVE DRAFT for him?

Monday Dec 19th 10 pm Eastern
League Name: Pedro vs Zimmer

Red Sox and Dan Marino mullett jokes are encouraged.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:42 pm
by Badjam
My sister was in the hospital also. I told her "at least you should be used to the hospital food after eating your own cooking all these years". :)

I'll jump into your league. The mention of Marino reminds me of the many losing battles he had with Jim Kelly many years ago. 8-)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:01 pm
by bkeat23
I can't draft Monday, but have a league set to draft on Tuesday. If your intentions for your friends draft could be on Tuesday, it's easier to fill one live draft than 2 a day apart?



PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:54 am
by hveed
I'm still kicking, just with a little gortex inside me now. :) And after a week in the hospital I have a fabulous Marino-Mullett going too. My doctor even commented on it. Now that the league is full good luck to all.

I don't remember Kelly burning us, seems like it was always Thurman Thomas gashing the fish!

Anyone have a Freddy Patek story for the OP?