by MICHAELEVANS » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:09 pm
Hi from Dubai, son-in-law! I agree that a sent folder would be very useful. As it is now, you must make sure that you have clicked (and it remains highlighted) the "All Teams in the League" choice. If you click each team, your team is not included in the individual team list. I have had it happen to me a couple of times that I thought I had clicked either "All Teams" or "Reply to all" but it wasn't highlighted, so when I sent the message, it didn't go to anybody. How are your teams doing?
Another change I would like to see is in the trades screen. I would like it to show how money each team has available, and I would like the option of offering players and cash to another team. That way, unequal value trades that still made sense would be allowed.