[b:8ef0923d8e]League #1
1 atticusfinch
2 doc x
3 spicki17
4 coachteel
5 wesleyeugeneclark
6 tplatypi
7 Swades
8 danny14mullen [color=red:8ef0923d8e]replaced by waldenhd[/color:8ef0923d8e]
9 johnnyblazers
10 hfsmart
11 Jack377
12 buzz082308 [/b:8ef0923d8e]
The league will be created later on tonight/early tomorrow and the password will be:
bs2011e5l1 (BS2011E5L1 all lower case)
This will be 80 Mil CAP, NO DH, AUTODRAFT - no specific league loading order. Let make a good effort to get loaded by Friday, but due to the holiday in the middle of this week, I will not be surprised if we do not make the deadline for most of the leagues.
Once again, please be sure you do not duplicate a stadium grouping. I will try to get the stadiums used chart updated through Event #4 as soon as I can.