Barnstormers 2011 - let's get some discussion going

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

Postby Mr Baseball World » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:18 pm

I think we lose people who don't want to do "live" drafts. We may also lose a few who don't like autodrafts. I would have people sign up in one of three categories: (1) all diamond dope drafts, (2) all autodrafts or (3)a mix of 3 each. We could then apportion out the mix group to live or auto each time so that we could limit ourselves to one league with fillers.

There would be some extra work and i would take on that portion so that moose doesn't get the extra work.

When I refer to live drafts I am talking about diamond dope not the no salary cap ones on TSN.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby PillPop » Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:53 am

Yes to 60m, no to 140m.
A mix of live and auto as per Mr. BBW is good.
Pre- and post- subsets could be fun.
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Postby PotKettleBlack » Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:26 am

[quote:459e31bb30="Mr. Baseball World"]I think we lose people who don't want to do "live" drafts. We may also lose a few who don't like autodrafts. I would have people sign up in one of three categories: (1) all diamond dope drafts, (2) all autodrafts or (3)a mix of 3 each. We could then apportion out the mix group to live or auto each time so that we could limit ourselves to one league with fillers.

There would be some extra work and i would take on that portion so that moose doesn't get the extra work.

When I refer to live drafts I am talking about diamond dope not the no salary cap ones on TSN.[/quote:459e31bb30]

The thing about it is: the appeal to me of Barnstormers is competing with everyone in unfamiliar situations. Live Draft/Auto Draft Different Caps, park requirements. The game has enough strategic variables when looking at team construction (even in the Random Park league where your park is assigned), that is gets really really beautiful in planning out 5-6 rounds. The ejection from the comfort zone, there is the beauty of it, for me.

You cannot please everyone all the time. You should not even bother to try.
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Postby The Last Druid » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:34 am

Agree with PotKettleBlack's last post.

Now a few thoughts of my own. First, no subsets, almost no one plays them. No need to include them IMHO.

The various caps all get played so include them, all of them. I'm not a 140 or 200M fan but people play them and they require different strategies.

I think that one draft, at least, should be on the TSN live draft site. They can be done in an hour. This would surely even draw more people into playing them regularly with the "forced" exposure in the Tour.

I loathe Diamond Dope drafts. Always delays getting started, often long delays and then more during the draft. Proxies suck too, especially since my job blocks the web site and there is always at least one jerk who forces others to skip their picks. More waiting... Be more fun, a lot more fun. to use the TSN live draft and then get Bernie to change the league cap to 60, 80, 100, 140...after the draft. That is a workaround on Bernie's inability to program it for caps. The live drafts are very addictive, much more skill involved as HAL doesn't get to make your picks for you (unless you screw up) and if this proposal is implemented and then Bernie introduces retrofitted caps post draft as a regular league option, it could potentially be key to keeping the game afloat in these troubled economic times.

I would also ask TSN to modify the prizes. When I won the Tour a couple of years ago, Bernie let me take 15 free credits in lieu of the 4 tickets to the stadium of my choice. I don't really follow baseball much and haven't since the 80's and live three hours from the nearest team, so alternate prize options would be welcome. Besides there is no upfront cost to TSN awarding credits as prizes...

I would be willing to serve on the Board.
The Last Druid
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:25 pm

The objective of this game is supposed to be fun. I really don't see a point in forcing people to draft in ways they don't enjoy. It might be different if I thought the draft was important to success or failure but with this deep of a player pool, I don't think that it is important.

I also think, given the economy, that people are going to be less inclined to commit to drafts they don't like. People are cutting back on the number of teams they are playing. The guy who played 20 teams a year might have been willing to endure either the autodrafts or live drafts(whichever they did not like) in Barnstormers but will they still be willing to when they are maybe only playing 10 teams a year?

As to the TSN live draft, I think that there the draft is not only important, but can be the whole league. A crappy draft can't be fixed. There is a huge advantage to those who have done a number of those leagues.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby The Last Druid » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:17 pm

[quote:88b8d2970c]It might be different if I thought the draft was important to success or failure but with this deep of a player pool, I don't think that it is important. [/quote:88b8d2970c]

Since the draft is what TSN Strat is all about, if you don't think the draft is important, then why play the game at all?

If player pool size is the issue, all the more reason to do capless live drafts, as they reduce the player pool to about 400 viable players.

Most of the people who do TSN live drafts come back again and again. Unlike the crapshoot that you get when HAL drafts for you, live drafts are primarily skill based. And because of the no cap limit you get to actually have platoons and deep pitching staffs and can manage your team during the season. Vastly more bang for your buck --especially in these troubled economic times.

I doubt many managers would not like live drafts if they actually tried them. Most of us who played face to face Strat before TSN strat even existed, cut our teeth on live drafts. HAL based drafts, not live drafts, are the aberration.

The more you play at any cap or draft type the bigger your advantage. One could use that logic and ban anyone who has more than 1000 manager points, but you might not get too far with that. Or ban all the previous Barnstormers winners. But I think people play the tournament because they like to match wits with other good players. The tour rewards skill and the fun is largely from the satisfaction of doing well.

The advantage of live draft vets would be attenuated greatly in the Barnstormers, precisely because of the people who don't have experience with the TSN live draft. If it was 10 hardened live drafts vets and two newbies, things probably wouldn't go so well for the newbies, but if you are unfamiliar with the other managers draft tendencies, well there goes a lot of your advantage.

No reason to have a crappy draft at a live draft other than incompetence. Your fate is in your own hands. Where it is very hard, to damn near impossible to overcome a bad draft are the 140 and 200M HAL run drafts where you basically have to outguess the other managers with your draft card.
The Last Druid
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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:29 pm

As a general rule, I do not think the live draft is necessary with the full player set at $60M, $80M, or $100M. It should be relegated to $140M and up or limited player sets or 24-team leagues.

I think integrating the TSN live draft app is a good idea. I think a $200M Diamond Dope draft or an unlimited cap TSN draft could be given equal weight.

Could 24-team leagues be staggered over 2 rounds?

I do not like $60M leagues.

I think Bruce should get a smart phone. ;)
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Postby mighty moose » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:11 pm

Petrosian - if he isn't still of a mindset to quit the game completely over the latest outages, will be invited to be a board member, since he volunteered in this thread.

Miduar also expressed interest to me in the other board opening.

Petro and Miduar will join gkhd11a (Charlie) and Mr.BBW (Rick) in the Barnstormers Board for the 2011 events.

I have asked Bernie to provide them access to our private forum where we can continue to discuss the topics of interest brought up in this forum.

Good points and interesting opinions raised here.

Thank you all.
mighty moose
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Postby PotKettleBlack » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:01 pm

Had an idea, based on a "theme" league I'm in, that would be interesting for BS.

One of the rounds, 100M, DH, park assigned randomly.
Figure, with the number of parks, and the number of likely entrants, there will be more parks than entrants. If there are more entrants than parks, random series, 1-180, 195 numbers... get some duplicates, but no big deal, right?

Just something else to think about.
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Postby jmoore1966 » Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:35 pm

Interesting. Is the park assigned before or after the draft?
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