by mighty moose » Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:27 pm
Out of 5 leagues that started drafting on Monday, only 1 achieved loading on time (by the Friday deadline). So what happened in your league is certainly the norm for this week. While that was certainly disappointing to me personally - I stopped reaching your frustration level YEARS AGO.
I think back to when I was hopping mad at someone who disappeared, only to find out that they lost a parent or a loved one suffered a serious car accident. So maybe nothing this dramatic happend in your league this time, but you must realize that the other 11 players in your league are not hitting F5 looking for a refresh of the forum or of "your teams" looking for some sort of movement.
If I see someone who should be loading their team or making their pick, if it's been a delay a little longer than normal, I drop them a quick e-mail.
In past years we have had people get so upset over my prodding them to do this or do that, that they will never play in this tournament again. So I have had to temper my angst over this and let the water roll off my back like a duck. I'm definately more tolerant now than I used to be.
In the grand scheme of things, what is another week delay in starting ?
Glanny is the holdout, and this is his FIRST live draft and first year in Barnstormers. He has been sent TWO e-mails now, both to his personal and work e-mails, and when he is able to see them, I'm sure he will respond.
All I have seen from you so far in this thread is complaining over those people who have not done what you felt they should be doing. Now I do have delete capabilities for your posts and I could have removed them as being unnecessary.
Sit back and let things happen in their own pace.