As is the Barnstormers tradition, [b:dd90bacd5b]we will embrace the new stadiums[/b:dd90bacd5b] graciously provided by TSN.
However, as two Event #6 early leagues have drafted or are currently drafting, the new stadiums are not on Major Deegans live draft site yet.
[b:dd90bacd5b]So, Event #6 WILL NOT use the new stadiums. This goes for the remaining players that will participate in Event #6 in October.[/b:dd90bacd5b]
The stadiums will be evaluated by myself and the board, and we will filter them into the 7 existing stadium groups.
We believe that this will give Major Deegan time enough to incorporate them into his live draft site, Adrian will get them onto Diamond Dope, and I will have the new stadiums all figured into their rightful home in the groupings.
Thanks to TSN for providing us with these new stadiums. We will use them for the Semi-Finals and Finals.
Mighty Moose, Tour Commissioner