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Event #4 - switch from live draft to the new 24-team league?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:49 pm
by mighty moose
I'd like to post a proposal for the next round - Event #4 - to switch from a LIVE DRAFT to one of the newest and HOTTEST events - the brand new 24-team league and it's 3-round playoff format.

Bernie has announced the change here.


We have 101 ACTIVE barnstormers players, this would be 4 leagues of 24 for a total of 96 players - that's 5 players that will be excess. And I expect we could have a couple players drop of our 101 too so that means the excess could be less. Put the excess into a PUBLIC league but notify Bernie so he could make that a tournament league as well so the scores would get posted.

What does everyone think of this proposal to change event #4 ? (Aug 8-15 start dates)


Re: Change to a 24 team format...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:34 pm
by mamiller_53
I am against it for a couple of reasons. I don't like changing things in midstream unless its in response to a nasty, unforeseen problem. Second, I like to have experience in things before doing them in a tourney. I have an 80 mil and 100 mil team just for the practice going right now. Sounds dumb but I prefer 140 mil teams for ATG6.

That being said, if I can be one of the opt outs and go into a Public League, go for it. Win-win! So, to be clear, if you do go to 24 teams leagues, I want to go Public please. I appreciate everything done to make this more fun and rewarding.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:36 pm
by Maxie Minoso
I dislike change.

I'm still on Eastern Standard Time since 1957. My favorite team is the Saint Louis Browns. I still write in Eisenhower's name in Presidential elections. There's a pinup of Marilyn Monroe on my wall.

I'll drown before I would change horses in the middle of a stream.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:16 pm
by mighty moose
I appreciate all responses. Nothing will change if the masses dont agree. Will still be interesting to monitor the overall response.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:54 pm
by tplatypi
Another no vote. I'm interested in trying the 24 team format, but the middle of this tournament is not my preferred first try.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:13 pm
by dinsdale
It would be ok with me, same number of playoff teams, plenty of available players in atg6 so why not?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:47 pm
by nels52
Personally, I would like to play a 24-team league in this tourney if possible. It would certainly change players strategy (including my own) but 24-team leagues just seem too cool. :D

If at all possible, I wouldn't like to completely lose the LIVE draft though. It would be great if we could just switch that to the other 100 mil league.

It's more than understandable though if others don't want to add it mid-tourney.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:58 pm
by pacoboy
Honestly I don't want to lose the 24 team live draft.....that looks very challenging and the one event I was looking forward too.

I suggest we use this to decide the ultimate champion....rather than just a 1 round 12 team final, use THIS for the final.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:27 pm
I prefer almost ANYTHING to the live draft. That being said, I think we should either 1) do the 24-team instead of a regular ($80 or 100M) draft; or 2), postpone this to next year.

It would be VERY good if we could show Bernie some widespread support for the 24 team offering. I personally like the format, and plan to play it frequently.

The reasoning behind switching from a live draft vs a traditional draft centers on diversifying the Barnstormer's. I firmly believe Barnstormers should be a test of as many varied formats as possible. As much as I dislike a live draft, due to the frustration levels while waiting hours for someone to make a selection, it does provide a different format, thus a different draft-day skill.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:40 pm
I'd love to do the 24-team league in the tourney!