by MARCPELLETIER » Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:16 pm
I support etdefender (both the playoffs logic and the special leagues).
Plus, playoffs aren't only about luck. It's also about positioning one team against another one, or positioning one team against its division, through waiver moves, through trades. Going with winning pct only will give an edge to teams that don't make any adjustments for the playoffs or for making the playoffs.
Plus plus, winning pct doesn't tell the whole story. Injury-prone teams tend to rest their players in the last 12 games or so. I had six injury-prone teams, five of them made playoffs, so I have something around 60 games where I sit my best players. I did it of course to get the additional points.
Plus plus plus, don't forget that we don't count the wins during the playoffs. The additional points for winning the first series or winning it all compensate in part for these.